Monday, May 4, 2009

Sleeping In the Rain dated -2-11-09

Monday, February 11, 2008
Sleeping in the rain...
I gave Anna Beth a bath the other day not long before Daddy was to arrive home. As always, Anna Beth dragged it out as long as she could and still refused to get out. After a few minutes of tears and negotations (she had no nap that day) I gave up and emptied the tub. Anna Beth would just not budge! At this point, I was running out of time and needed a shower myself so I just turned the shower on and stepped over her. She continued to lay in the bottom of the tub while I finished my shower and got out. I checked on her every couple of minutes and after a few I found her sound asleep in the bottom of the tub with the water hitting her on the back. I left her to sleep as she was in no danger of drowning and grabbed the camera. She slept for 20 minutes before finally waking up! She looked so sweet that I sat down beside the tub and just watched her sleep. I have to cherish those moments as she loves to push my buttons while awake! LOL
I have pictures of her asleep in the shower posted.

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