Thursday, January 23, 2014

10 Years of Marriage Perfection!

I know, you just groaned and rolled your eyes because I called my marriage perfect. Give me a minute to tell you all about it….
You see, about 11 years ago, there was this guy that was a drummer, with an earring, living out his dream in Nashville. He was bored and a little lonely so he logged onto a dating website and searched for ladies 5 feet and under. (I promise that this is a true story) He happened to pull up my profile as I fit the criteria of being 4 feet 11 inches and he sent me a message. There I was, 2 ½ hours away, lonely spinster, having spent the last 2 years of my life working with special needs kids by day and caring for my Grandmother by night (she had Alzheimer’s). I had just recently spent my 30th birthday, wearing a 1 piece denim jumper, at Chili’s, with 2 girlfriends, crying about my sad life, and then proceeded to get sick with a 3 day virus. What appeared on my computer screen that night was but a little glimmer of hope.

Fast forward 11 months and there I was in a beautiful white dress, standing next to my dad who was about to pass out. Seriously…his girl was marrying a man that was taking her 2 ½ hours away to live and my Dad hardly knew him. What little he did know, involved the earring and drum sticks. Any normal southern Baptist dad would have passed out months ago when he saw the ring! My sister was about to have a fit because I was moving and my mom was just grateful someone was finally marrying her spinster daughter. It was a wedding of mixed emotions to be sure.

We settled for a couple months into our 550 square feet of the American dream before we started searching for that perfect family dwelling. We moved into our little townhome of wedded bliss on Woodmaker Court and after about 5 months of marriage, we discovered we were pregnant. I think I actually heard my dad groan from Jackson.

From that point forward, we just plowed through life, always together. Below are just a few things that I love about my life with "B"

*There were the moments that we cried and prayed together over our little girl’s NICU bed.

*There were the parenting fails…I remember sitting on one side of a door, with my screaming toddler on the other, tears running down my face and begging my husband over the phone to talk me off the cliff. He gently reminded me that I was a good mom because I put the door between Anna Beth and I.

*There were the come to Jesus meetings about how to discipline this intensely stubborn child of ours. (I don’t know where she gets it being the first born of 2 first borns) In the end, we learned together that AB does not fit into our mold but we instead have gotten to know our girl and to parent her in a way that fits her.

*There was the time that we bought a new house and then 2 months later had our salaries cut by $10k a year. Together we learned how to lean on the Lord and cut out things that were not needed, only wanted.

*There were the nights that we rushed to the emergency room at 3 and 4 in the morning with a child that could hardly breathe.

*There were the broken down cars, weeks of living with dusty concrete floors, nights of no sleep because we had a kid that apparently had no desire to sleep through the night till she was 4!

*There was the breast cancer diagnosis, the weeping, the surgeries, the months of chemo. The moments of panic when I kept passing out, (sorry about that Love). There were the late night runs for food because I was actually hungry for the first time in 2 weeks.

*There have been the celebrations as we pass each cancer milestone and THE song…the song that he wrote me because he was proud of me.

*There are the giggles because I am so grumpy and tired. There are the late night talks about our days and dreams. The sweet prayer time as we drift off to sleep.

*There is endless hours of football…(chick flick season is coming up for me and he will endure!)

*There is the dream of adoption and the endless conversations about what that looks like for us.

*There is Brian laughing at me because after 10 years I can still not match the claps on the "Friends" theme song!

*There is the fact that he still cannot load a dishwasher and I still leave on lights.

*There is the fact that he refuses to go to bed without me and will stay up until he can convince me to go to bed.

*There are the family prayer huddles, the sometimes listened to and sometimes not family devotionals at dinner. There are the phone calls on the way to work because we ran out of time to pray together before I had to leave.

*There have been the dates at the arcarde, movies at home, the sweet notes left on my steering wheel to encourage me, the flowers just because, the notes written on his napkin in his lunches. The emails that go back and forth each morning just to say I love you…more! Each one have been simple little reminders that we daily chose each other.

*My favorite moment of our marriage has to be the moment my surgeon removed my bandages after my mastectomy. My dear husband had the biggest grin on his face when he saw my scars, looked me in the eye and informed me that it looked really good!

*There is the delight and contentment of just being in the same space together. We still rush home every night, looking forward to a hug and kiss.

This man that pledged to be mine those 10 years ago has loved me with a steadfast love. The perfect marriage is not defined by the cheezy looks over dinner and gag worthy posts on Facebook (although we are guilty of both). It is simply, 2 messy people that work hard at a relationship. A relationship that can glorify God by daily dying to their own wants and needs and putting each other first. We have weathered many storms and disappointments in 10 years of marriage and we will face more in the years to come. There is a little sign that hangs over our front door. We walk beneath it every day when we leave the house and it simply says…Love You More!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Eve Blessing...

So Brian and I were going to go over to a friend's house to ring in the New Year but plans changed for which I will be forever grateful. You see, God had something special planned for us.

My sister is pregnant with her second and had asked a few weeks ago if she could have AB over for New Year's Eve. She wanted to spend some time with her before the baby came. This meant that Brian and I were child free and no longer had plans. We ended up at Famous Dave's for chicken wings. (We tried Buffalo Wild Wings first but they were out of Wings...yes, we laughed and shook our heads too!) I have to be honest here...I literally turned to Brian while we were waiting to be seated and asked him, "We are now that old boring couple that is going to go to bed early aren't we?" He nodded his head yes.

After ordering our dinner we began to talk and God showed up. We had an amazing time sharing our hearts and desires for the future. One question that had come up during one of our home-study sessions was, "What do you expect your adopted child to look like?" Brian and I have never really discussed this together and on New Years Eve we found that we both shared the same vision. A child that will change the look of our family and will make us think beyond our normal boundaries. A child that will teach us much about ourselves and spark conversation about what love looks like. We shared our lack of faith about what God can bless us with in this adoption and it was an encouragement to us both.

We discussed our goals as a family and as individuals for the next year. For the last couple of years we have had family goals. Last year involved the word "Simplify," completing the home-study and eating a more healthy diet. This year, our goal is "Focus." We plan to "focus" on Baby Wood (fundraising, preparing, and praying), exercise, which will include walking The Color Run as a family AND being more intentional in developing our relationships with the Lord.

We are so excited about 2014 and what God has in store. I am praying that it is a year of change for us in many ways!

Raising Compassion Vs. PC

Brian and I have spent many hours over the past year discussing being politically correct vs. speaking truth. It has weighed heavy on our minds because we have become confronted with raising a child that has great compassion in a harsh world. We have grappled with teaching truth about racism, polygamy, gay lifestyles and abortion to a child that just loves people. One of my great fears is that she will stop seeing people and start first seeing sin.

I keep going back to the verse that states…”For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12” When a baby is born, we do not immediately start teaching self-restraint and discipline. We just love them and develop a bond of trust. As they grow older, we teach discipline and self-restraint as a way to protect our children physically. Eventually we teach them discipline as a way to protect them spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I believe it is the same between us and the Lord. He seeks a relationship with us because He loves us. As we fall in love with Him, He begins to reveal our sinful hearts and habits that hurt our relationship with Him. He does not reveal it all to us at once because it would overwhelm us. But instead He shows us His purity vs. our sin over time and approaches them one at a time. First…He just loves us!

This last year, as we have discussed these topics with Anna Beth, we first ask her what she believes God’s word says. Then we ask her if God loves that person no matter what. I want her to be able to recognize sin but see people as God sees them. I want her to recognize that God does not rate sin as we do. My sin of a short-temper, disrespect, etc. is not any different to God than someone else’s sin of racism or abortion. God sees sin and people differently and He calls us to do the same. If we, as Christians stop seeing people with love and compassion first, we will cease to reach them. I want my daughter to be able to influence people with the way she loves. It is an incredible gift that God has given her. If anyone has met my girl, you know that she loves people quickly and without reservation. My prayer is that God will protect that gift for a long time and she will not become jaded by this world.

I struggle with Christians that have taken a far right or far left approach to people’s hearts. God is not the author of politics but a message of grace towards His people. This is what I invest in my girl. I am not raising a Republican or Democrat. I am raising a daughter of the King. Someday, I will not be held accountable for what side of the line I taught her to stand on but what view of our God I presented to her. God will be the one to reveal His law to her gently and over time.