Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Eve Blessing...

So Brian and I were going to go over to a friend's house to ring in the New Year but plans changed for which I will be forever grateful. You see, God had something special planned for us.

My sister is pregnant with her second and had asked a few weeks ago if she could have AB over for New Year's Eve. She wanted to spend some time with her before the baby came. This meant that Brian and I were child free and no longer had plans. We ended up at Famous Dave's for chicken wings. (We tried Buffalo Wild Wings first but they were out of Wings...yes, we laughed and shook our heads too!) I have to be honest here...I literally turned to Brian while we were waiting to be seated and asked him, "We are now that old boring couple that is going to go to bed early aren't we?" He nodded his head yes.

After ordering our dinner we began to talk and God showed up. We had an amazing time sharing our hearts and desires for the future. One question that had come up during one of our home-study sessions was, "What do you expect your adopted child to look like?" Brian and I have never really discussed this together and on New Years Eve we found that we both shared the same vision. A child that will change the look of our family and will make us think beyond our normal boundaries. A child that will teach us much about ourselves and spark conversation about what love looks like. We shared our lack of faith about what God can bless us with in this adoption and it was an encouragement to us both.

We discussed our goals as a family and as individuals for the next year. For the last couple of years we have had family goals. Last year involved the word "Simplify," completing the home-study and eating a more healthy diet. This year, our goal is "Focus." We plan to "focus" on Baby Wood (fundraising, preparing, and praying), exercise, which will include walking The Color Run as a family AND being more intentional in developing our relationships with the Lord.

We are so excited about 2014 and what God has in store. I am praying that it is a year of change for us in many ways!

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