Thursday, January 2, 2014

Raising Compassion Vs. PC

Brian and I have spent many hours over the past year discussing being politically correct vs. speaking truth. It has weighed heavy on our minds because we have become confronted with raising a child that has great compassion in a harsh world. We have grappled with teaching truth about racism, polygamy, gay lifestyles and abortion to a child that just loves people. One of my great fears is that she will stop seeing people and start first seeing sin.

I keep going back to the verse that states…”For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12” When a baby is born, we do not immediately start teaching self-restraint and discipline. We just love them and develop a bond of trust. As they grow older, we teach discipline and self-restraint as a way to protect our children physically. Eventually we teach them discipline as a way to protect them spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I believe it is the same between us and the Lord. He seeks a relationship with us because He loves us. As we fall in love with Him, He begins to reveal our sinful hearts and habits that hurt our relationship with Him. He does not reveal it all to us at once because it would overwhelm us. But instead He shows us His purity vs. our sin over time and approaches them one at a time. First…He just loves us!

This last year, as we have discussed these topics with Anna Beth, we first ask her what she believes God’s word says. Then we ask her if God loves that person no matter what. I want her to be able to recognize sin but see people as God sees them. I want her to recognize that God does not rate sin as we do. My sin of a short-temper, disrespect, etc. is not any different to God than someone else’s sin of racism or abortion. God sees sin and people differently and He calls us to do the same. If we, as Christians stop seeing people with love and compassion first, we will cease to reach them. I want my daughter to be able to influence people with the way she loves. It is an incredible gift that God has given her. If anyone has met my girl, you know that she loves people quickly and without reservation. My prayer is that God will protect that gift for a long time and she will not become jaded by this world.

I struggle with Christians that have taken a far right or far left approach to people’s hearts. God is not the author of politics but a message of grace towards His people. This is what I invest in my girl. I am not raising a Republican or Democrat. I am raising a daughter of the King. Someday, I will not be held accountable for what side of the line I taught her to stand on but what view of our God I presented to her. God will be the one to reveal His law to her gently and over time.

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