Sunday, March 9, 2008

What a Weekend!

It was a weekend for the record books in the Wood household! It snowed, we had both sides of the family down for the weekend and Anna Beth had her giant, Hello Kitty/PLaydough birthday party!

First the party-
I hit the ground running Saturday morning, running up to the church and meeting part of the family up there to get the place decorated. I left them to finish while I headed home to grab the birthday girl and the rest of the family. When I reached to door of the house I heard Anna Beth crying and knew that we were in the middle of a battle. Apparently she did not want to wear the cute outfit Mommy picked out for her but wanted to wear a pink sweatsuit the was 2 sizes to small. I carried her to the car in just her jeans with snow laying on the the ground! LOL After finally strapping her into the car seat, she screamed all the way to the church. At that point, she really could care less about her party and just wanted to wear that ugly pink thingy! About 2 minutes before the first party guest walked in the door, she was standing in the room buck naked. We compromised and she wore the shirt and a pair of jeans, no hair bow and no shoes. She looked terrible but was happy so I let it go! LOL

The party went well but Anna Beth had to take breaks every now and then from the crowd. At one point, she sat in her tent by herself while the rest of the crowd played with playdough. She just needs to get away sometimes. She handled the rest well until they sang Happy Birthday to her and she had tears in her eyes because everyone was looking at her! She made it through and loved all of her gifts!

After the Party-

I had all ten of the family piled into the living room eating on TV trays and a card table because Anna Beth's toys had taken over the dining room. By eight o'clock that night I was ready to go to bed!


Dawned extra early because of Daylight savings time and I quietly headed out of the house with the 3 girls next door, leaving my family behind sleeping. I had to teach Sunday School so off we went. We skipped shurch to spend some time with the family before they had to head back to IL. During lunch, we were gathered around the table and Aunt Lindesy asked Anna Beth what she wanted to be when she grew up and her response was, "An Angel like Mommy!" Needless to say, I forgave her of all of her trangressions from the day before! LOL

We finished the day with a shopping trip to find an Easter dress and playing with Anna Beth's new leap frog computer. She loves it!

It was a great weekend but I am ready to go to work and get some rest! LOL


Amanda Marie said...

Did you have her party at church? What a great idea! I'm always at a loss with that stuff. Theona's birthday is in September, so last year we had her party at a park in Hendersonville. It was a nice day, but a little on the warm side. But the year before it was very chilly. Oh, Tennessee weather!

Pegsy said...

I just found your blog and really enjoyed reading through the posts! I'm glad the party was an over all success. When my daughter, Sara, turned 3, she threw such a fit before her party that I nearly called the party guests to cancel! I don't remember what the fit was about, but it was very upsetting at the time! Now she's 7. Time flies!

I have a blog too - check it out!