Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Gift 2014

So Anna Beth made me a gift at school this year. I laughed, I cried, I was grateful for her heart.

The Questions & Answers Listed:

1. What do you LOVE TO DO THE MOST with your Mom? Cook
2. Complete this sentence, "My mom is as pretty as_____." Me
3. What's the SMARTEST thing your mom has ever told you? Longitude and Latitude
4. If you could give your mom ANYTHING in the world, what would it be? A new clean car
5. What kind of stuff is your mom REALLY GOOD AT? making food
6. If you could CHANGE ONE THING about your mom, what would it be? that she didn't have kancer
7. What's the ONE THING that you think your mom should do less of? dance in front of my friends
8. What's the ONE THING you think your mom should do more of? snugle with me
9. What does your mom like to do to RELAX? read or watch T.V
10. What do you think your mom was like BEFORE SHE HAD KIDS? more energetic
11. What's your mom's FAVORITE FOOD and FAVORITE DRINK? crab legs and ice cold water
12. What's the CRAZIEST THING you've ever seen your mom do? booty bump my dad
13. Complete this sentence. "I know my mom loves me because she spends lot of time with me.

I have said it before and I will say it again, blessed to be her momma!

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