Saturday, April 5, 2014

Adoption: An Act of Faith

Many of you have asked and wondered where we are at in the adoption process. We are simply in a phase of waiting. I will be honest....waiting is HARD! Brian and I felt strongly that God has called us to adopt domestically. That means we sit and wait for a birth mom to choose us. We have been in this phase since October 2013.

Brian and I both felt the calling to adopt about 2 years ago. God dealt with both our hearts separately and it came up in a random conversation one day. We have struggled with aspects of this adoption at times and have prayed our way through the process. Right now the biggest fear involves faith.

This is not as though we saw a child on a website and are pursing them until they are safely in our care. This is a blind faith of believing God when He tells us to prepare. There is fear in asking people to partner with us in raising funds and being unsure if we will ever hold our baby. There is fear in preparing space for a child that may never come and live here. There is fear in putting your whole heart in and never knowing for sure if we will see that dream God has given us come true. At times there are tears, there is a questioning of God's calling and there is the overwhelming fear of the unknown.

Brian and I are not risk takers. We play if safe most of the time. It is simply our personalities. If we were asked to take one of those investment personality tests, we would be the ones that would chose the 15 year CD at 1% rather than buying stock that could tank at any given moment. We like a sure thing. Adoption is not a sure thing. It is risky for your bank account, your pride and your heart. We are also taking a risk with our daughter's heart because she is ALL in as well.

Right now we wait, we pray and we believe in what God has called us to do. To pursue a child of God's choosing so that we can raise that child to fall in love with their heavenly Father.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Love you guys! Praying for all of you in this unsure season. Thanks for being so honest and transparent!