Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

It has been a long time since I have actually sat down and written about one of my days but I could not resist filling you in on my perfect Mother's Day. I have just about one of the sweetest husbands ever and he planned the perfect day.

Brian got me up on Saturday and told me to get ready, we went and dropped Anna Beth off at my sister's house and then we took of for my mystery date. We arrived at the Opry Mills Mall and Brian informed me that we were going on a Dinner cruise aboard the General Jackson. Could he be any sweeter? Just the 2 of us, on a mid-day cruise! We had 2 hours of talking and just enjoying being together.

After the cruise, we headed back to Denise and Brad's where my mother and dad had arrived. We ate dinner together, gave Nana her birdhouses and just had fun. It truly was a very sweet time and I thank my husband for how hard he works to make me feel special as a woman and a mother. I never expected to treated with such love and respect and am grateful for the way he loves me.

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