Monday, May 4, 2009

What Did She Say? dated- 12-12-07

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What did she say?!!!
New outlandish things are always coming out of Anna Beth's mouth and we honestly have no idea what she is going to say next!
Last night she was flipping through my new phone pamphlet "reading it" and said, "I just can't believe it"
The other day, I asked Anna Beth to go tell her Daddy something (he was up-stairs) and she said, "I will in a minute Mommy, shut-up!" I had to call Brian down to deal with her because I was afriad to touch her at that point. I am really afraid to see what she says when she turns into a pre-teen!
My favorite is to listen to her while she is talking to her cat, Boots, or her dolls. I can often here her saying, "No, don't do that, I put you in time-out, 1,2,3, ok, you go in time-out now!"
She has never caught on to I can or can't yet. She always says, "ok Daddy, I can't do that" when she actually means that she can.

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