Monday, May 4, 2009

Great Husband Material dated- 4-6-07

Friday, April 06, 2007
Great husband material!
I work 3 days a week at 10+ hours a day, therefore I usually come home from work exhausted and not really ready to face a hungry 2 year old and husband. Not to mention the housework that awaits! It never fails, as I am climbing into bed at night my husband sweetly asks, "Do I have any clean jeans for in the morning?" This is the point where my hormones start to rage and my husband runs and hides in the closet! Not really but it he knew what I was thinking he might! Especially since we usually get to bed around 11 pm every night.
Just when my head is about to start spinning around, I come home to find that my sweet husband has cleaned the downstairs, folded laundry and started supper. The supper part is the most amazing part since the only thing that he can cook is tomato soup and grilled cheese, frozen pizza or canned pasta with ketchup. It is at this point that I sit down and start to cry and all he does is sit down next to me, pull me over onto his chest and rub my hair.
I really did marry the best husband material there is and am daily grateful that he found me!

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