Friday, April 27, 2007
I am rasing a stripper!
Yesterday I was out on my front porch with my 2 year old . We are in home improvement mode right now so I was scrapping the old paint off the trim on my house preparing it for a new coat. My little one was talking and singing away right beside me when suddenly it got very quiet.
I was in a zone and was only aware of her presence and the fact that she was not hurt so I was totally unaware of what she was doing. The next thing I know, I hear her say, "mommy, diaper off." I of course say, "no" and turn around to look down at her. She is standing there completely naked from the waist down and her diaper is laying in the flower bed below.
As I realize that I have become that neighbor that is an embarrasment to the whole neighborhood, I look up and see several of my neighbors looking at us and laughing. My mortification only grew when my child looked and me, pointed her finger and said, "mommy, potty NOW!"
I took one good look at her and she took off running into the house. I was close behind with steam coming out of my ears. When I caught up with her I was even more humiliated to realize that it had been a dirty diaper!
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