Monday, April 23, 2007
How do kids learn to be so demanding so early in life? My 2 year old's favorite new word is "NOW!"
This last weekend we were on vacation with my parents, sister and her fiance'. During that period of time my daughter learned that everyone was always watching her and she could manipulate them to the utmost. "No, now, I want that, Give it to me, Want some and my personal favorite, Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno!, were her favorites for the entire vacation.
She had put this into practice to the point that on the way, my husband and I were talking in the front seat and I could hear her in the back repeating a phrase over and over. I knew what she was saying however we were in the middle of a coversation and she was calm so I thought that I would let her learn to wait her turn. Finally from the back seat we hear, "MY SHOES ON NOW!" at the top of her lungs. She only became more frustrated when we busted out laughing at her.
We have been home for 24 hours and are in the midst of re-programming her. The only problem is that her other set of Grandparents are coming to see us this weekend so it will start all over agian! LOL We are now going back to mommy and daddy's favorite phrases which are, please, thank you, excuse me and bless you.
Why is it that they always act like little hellions in front of people that you care about their opinion. At home she always uses her manners and for the most part is the little angel that I claim her to be! I can only hope that someday when she walks away that she will do us proud.
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