Monday, March 03, 2008
Potty it possible?
This morning dawned bright and clear with great expectations of the day ahead. You see, this is the day that my little Anna Beth was going to wear big girl panties to school for the first time. We worked very hard to pick out the perfect pair and spent alot of time talking it up as we prepared for our day. We finally hit the door after a couple of cute pictures to remember the moment and then strapped ourselves into the car. Off the 3 of us went to deliver our very big little girl to pre-school. On the way there there was happy chatter until my very big little girl revealed that she had gone potty in her panties! Anna Beth and her car seat were soaked and Mommy was frustrated! Instead of our triumphant march into school we marched to the room in a wet soggy mess. Mommy tried to be patient but was not very successful while Daddy was laughing quietly in the corner. Anna Beth tried very hard to be very sweet to make up for her infraction and in the end we all left each other with hugs and kisses. We will try again on Wednesday and hope for the best!
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