Monday, May 4, 2009

Anna Beth's Daddy dated- 10-3-07

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Anna Beth’s Daddy
Anna Beth and I were in the spare room/office today. It was the one room in the house that is dedicated completely to Brian's passion. Sports! There are minature football helmets lining the top of one wall with hockey jersey's hanging below and Brian's high school music trophies displayed on the walls. This is his man room! On the back of the door he has hung a rather large poster of Muhamad Ali and this is what grabbed the attention of little Anna Beth this afternoon.
Anna Beth was standing there looking at the large poster and turned to me and said, "Look Mommy, it's Daddy!" This is the second time that she has called the rather large man in the picture Daddy and at that moment I looked at it from her eyes.
Brian is a small man by the world's standards. He stands at 5 feet tall and weighs in a little over 100 pounds but to Anna Beth he is larger than life! She sees her Daddy as the most special and important man in the world and in our home he is.
Tonight, after dinner, all of us climbed on the couch to watch a movie. Anna Beth was in her Daddy's arms and he was enjoying his cuddle time with his girl. As I watched them, I thought back again to this afternoon. When Anna Beth sees her Daddy she sees someone that she loves unconditionally. Even when Daddy gets impatient, she forgives and loves him. Daddy can make the hurt go away, he can carry heavy things, he makes her feel safe. Daddy delights in his girl and sees how special she really is. In Daddy, she sees the love of her heavenly Father. Someday, she will understand what Jesus did for her because she has watched her Daddy love and take care of her so carefully.
I never want to tarnish the image of my child's Father. I always want her to see him for what he truly is, a devoted husband and Father. Brian is the spiritual leader and main provider of our home. I always want the highlight of our day to be the moment Daddy comes home. He is to be a man respected and loved because to my little girl, he is the world and someday the only picture of God she will be able to relate to. That is something to be treasured!
We have a mighty task before us and I pray each day that God will strengthen us to take care of our marriage and the child that He has entrusted to our care.
Daddy, if you read this, you are larger than life in mine and Anna Beth's world and we love you devotedly!

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