Today peace and encouragement have alluded me. It is not the events of the last few months but the here and now that cause my heart to waver. God has been so faithful through the job transition with Brian, the job loss, the year of tough parenting and the recent break-in. We have watched in wonder as He has used people in our lives to provide and encourage. Every day my heart is at peace knowing that God cares for His children and I need not fear the unknown because He has prepared the way.
The things that break me are the day to day battles. Not enough time and overwhelming work. Making choices to let things go to spend time with my family. This means letting the laundry sit, the bathrooms building dirt and the big meals left un-cooked. While they go undone they are never far from my mind and the feeling of failure in these areas. There is never enough time to sleep, work 10 hour days and care for the family in the ways that I desire to do so.
Tonight, I came home and chose to take a few minutes for myself. With this comes guilt because there are hugs to give and things to do. But tonight I chose to rest with my Father. I grabbed my Oswald Chambers book and Bible and sat to listen. I had 15 minutes at best with Anna Beth anxious to share her day, so I dove in. The text was on "Wrestling Before God" Based on Ephesians 6:13 & 18 "Take up the whole armor of God... praying always..." The part that impacted me the most was the distinction between God's perfect will and permissive will. My family is living in the permissive will of God of late and through this God has taught us much about joy and faith. We have been tested in the areas of physical need, mental exhaustion and spiritual brokenness. I have sought the face of my God more this year than in several years past praying for God to care for the large problems that "I" cannot handle. Constantly I have sought to find the lessons in the tests. Tonight, I realized the test that I have failed to see... "the little things"
"The Little Things" I keep as my own burdens because I do not want to bother God with things so trite. I skip a piece of Armor because I do not think that I will need it that day or I skip praying always but pray as needs arise. My focus becomes clouded with needs, wants and desires. I feel justified worrying and stressing over them because they are not really for me after all but my family that surrounds me. Oswald stated... "Put up a glorious fight and you will find yourself empowered with His strength." God never intends for us to go into battle unarmed and He NEVER intended for us to go alone! I sense, that God sits waiting and watching, aching to lift my burden that appears to small to even bother with.
My test has not been in the "big" things because those are easy to trust Him with. The test is in trusting Him with my tears, chores and frustrations. Daily surrender to and in doing so completeness in Christ!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Faith and Promies
What a fabulous day with my Father! This day was to just be a day is rest, relaxation and prep for family coming in this weekend but it has become something so much more important than that. A day of just listening...
I got up this morning as we usually do and got Anna Beth and Brian out the door for the day. Usually I am leaving at the same time as the 2 of them but today was about me. Sent them off and laid back down for just a bit just thinking. Finally decided it was time to hop up, get a bite to eat and start my house cleaning. I left the TV and music off on purpose to simply enjoy the peace and began to pray. My prayer time is usually stuffed into the commute time that I have to and from work and my Bible time is spent reading scripture on the Internet during lunch but today was different... today it was not scheduled!
I slowly stopped TALKING to God and just started LISTENING. Sitting on the side of my tub with sponge in hand, I heard God say... have you missed cleaning this incredible tub that I gave to you? "Well yes I have Lord! It is really relaxing to just clean my house" was my response. Next He asked, "Have you missed just playing with your family over the last 6 months?" Tears began to trickle down my face as I admitted that I had. I stopped cleaning and just listened for His next question. "Do you miss this peace and quiet?" Tears began to really flow and last God asked, My child, have you missed moments like this with me?" Sitting on the side of the tub, sobs racking my body, I poured out my grief, pain, frustration, and disappointments to my Father. I told Him of how much this job has taken away from me and my family and I told Him of my desire to be able to work part-time.
I climbed from the tub and grabbed my Bible and my Hymnal and laid on the bed ready for comfort. I opened the Bible to Romans 4, Our pastor recently talked about Abraham's faith in God for a son and so I began at verse 20... "Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God. Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he promised." I never got past verse 20 & 21!
Next I went to my hymnal and opened to one of my favorite old hymns, "Be Still, My Soul" The first verse goes like this... Be still my soul! The Lord is on thy side; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change He faithfully will remain. Be still my soul! thy best, thy heavenly Friend Thro' thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
This is my promise from God! I can go back to work on Wednesday not with dread or fear but with peace knowing that I have HIS promise. I do not know how much longer the pain will endure but I do know that it will come to an end and God will keep His promises to me.
I got up this morning as we usually do and got Anna Beth and Brian out the door for the day. Usually I am leaving at the same time as the 2 of them but today was about me. Sent them off and laid back down for just a bit just thinking. Finally decided it was time to hop up, get a bite to eat and start my house cleaning. I left the TV and music off on purpose to simply enjoy the peace and began to pray. My prayer time is usually stuffed into the commute time that I have to and from work and my Bible time is spent reading scripture on the Internet during lunch but today was different... today it was not scheduled!
I slowly stopped TALKING to God and just started LISTENING. Sitting on the side of my tub with sponge in hand, I heard God say... have you missed cleaning this incredible tub that I gave to you? "Well yes I have Lord! It is really relaxing to just clean my house" was my response. Next He asked, "Have you missed just playing with your family over the last 6 months?" Tears began to trickle down my face as I admitted that I had. I stopped cleaning and just listened for His next question. "Do you miss this peace and quiet?" Tears began to really flow and last God asked, My child, have you missed moments like this with me?" Sitting on the side of the tub, sobs racking my body, I poured out my grief, pain, frustration, and disappointments to my Father. I told Him of how much this job has taken away from me and my family and I told Him of my desire to be able to work part-time.
I climbed from the tub and grabbed my Bible and my Hymnal and laid on the bed ready for comfort. I opened the Bible to Romans 4, Our pastor recently talked about Abraham's faith in God for a son and so I began at verse 20... "Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God. Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he promised." I never got past verse 20 & 21!
Next I went to my hymnal and opened to one of my favorite old hymns, "Be Still, My Soul" The first verse goes like this... Be still my soul! The Lord is on thy side; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change He faithfully will remain. Be still my soul! thy best, thy heavenly Friend Thro' thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
This is my promise from God! I can go back to work on Wednesday not with dread or fear but with peace knowing that I have HIS promise. I do not know how much longer the pain will endure but I do know that it will come to an end and God will keep His promises to me.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Faithfulness Untold

It has been so long since I have blogged that I feel a bit timid doing so now. It is so hard to know where to start as so much has transpired but I will do my best to try.
First, I will start with Anna Beth and the changes we have seen in her. There is no secret that she has been a challenge to raise but the rewards have been huge. She turned 4 in March and I was hoping that this would be the golden age. That all of our hard work would come together. I believe my expectation was that it would happen within 24 hours of her birthday but this was not the case. After a couple of months, we began to see a maturing in our little girl. Not just in the area of obedience but in her relationship with the Lord. Anna Beth had told us back in October of 2008 that she had asked Jesus to live in her heart. At 3 years, it is hard for mommies and daddies to trust that little ones understand this concept. Over the last few months, we have began to see changes. Anna Beth recognizes that Jesus is with us at all times, that He is aware of all our thoughts, words and actions. She understands that her sin hurts Him and she has to talk to Him to have a relationship. There are times that she actually shames me. Anna Beth's relationship with Jesus is so pure and trusting.
The car has become a place of prayer for our little family. Most mornings, Brian or I (the deliverer of the child to school) will have prayer time with Anna Beth. We pray for each of us to have a joyful day, and that we will make Jesus happy with the way we treat others. A few weeks ago, after picking Anna Beth up from school, I mentioned that daddy was having a hard day. Anna Beth informed me that she was going to thank Jesus and ask Him to help her daddy. She proceeded to close her eyes and pray her little heart out. Anna Beth has discovered one of the things that I find hardest to do.... Pray when I have a need. LOL It was so delightful to see my girl seeking her Jesus on behalf of her family. She has done the same for me when my days have been hard.
One morning a couple of weeks ago, Brian went to retrieve our sleeping child from her bed to began the morning wake-up routine. As he picked her up, which is getting harder to do, the first thing she said was, "I had a dream about Jesus!" Her face was full of contentment with a full smile. Did Jesus talk to our girl in her dreams? Did He make Himself real to her? These are answers I will never know but what a testimony of the special relationship that my 4 year old has with her Savior. I am a very grateful mommy! I am grateful for a child that is sensitive to the things of God at such a young age. I am grateful for the people that my family is surrounded by, that teach and enforce the same principles that we hold dear. I am grateful that God held our hands as parents through many doubts, fears and frustration and we are seeing the fruit of discipline and seeds.
Second, is the life of Brian and Jenny! LOL What a roller coaster it has been since February. In the 5 and a half years that Brian and I have been married, there has been very few trials we have had to face as a couple. There was the transition of my moving to Nashville but that was fairly easy. There was the traumatic birth of Anna Beth, 18 days in NICU, coming within 24 hours of heart surgery and going 10 days without holding my baby. But even that only brought us closer than ever! There was days where money was tight, paying off our credit card debt and purchasing 2 homes while selling mine back in Jackson. That too, just brought us closer! Then this year smacked us down in a way I never expected. As many of you know, Brian and I have worked together at the same place for most of our married life. We have loved it and while for many this can be difficult, we enjoyed it. There was the flirting as we passed in the warehouse, the occasional lunch in the lunch room together and there was always a sense to work harder and be above reproach. In February all of this changed...
Our company was purchased and many changes began to take place. Changes that while, helped the business in many ways, were done harshly and in hurtful ways. I had been working 30 hours, 3 days a week and was forced to go full-time or look somewhere else for work. This was a hard transition for our family. Since before Anna Beth was born, I had only worked part-time. Brian was placed in a position that did not come naturally for him but he faced the challenge. As the economy began to take it's toll on the business, there were hard days ahead. Our business went through 3 major systems conversions in one year. The last one was very difficult and not prepared as much as needed. While needed, this conversion became a hindrance to daily work activity. Brian, as the customer support manager, took the brunt of this fall. His team, handled the angry customers and the fall-out when things went wrong. Brian is not a confrontational person and this began to wear on him. We made the decision, as couple that he should began to look for other work.
There were many reasons for this decisions... this position was not what Brian was comfortable with, we had all of our eggs in one basket and that can be scary at times, Brian and his new boss did not communicate well and this caused much friction, again, not something Brian handles well. The search began and I was fearful. Finding a job in this economy can be difficult and scary. I was grateful that we both had jobs and looking elsewhere seemed risky. As the tension mounted, Brian's search became frantic. Almost every night was spent at the computer, applying for jobs. This took it's toll on our little family. Brian pulled away in full survival mode and I took over the running of the house and all emotional support for him and Anna Beth. As we all know, I am usually the emotional one so being the strong one became alot of hard work. I also began to compartmentalize my feelings and our marriage went silent. We both knew it was but for a season and knew that we would time find for us at the end of all this.
The season lasted longer than we thought! LOL One day, after a very difficult talk with Brian's boss, Brian called me and told me what happened. I knew that for some time Brian was ready to just quit and spend all of his energy looking for a job. As his wife, I did not feel the time was right until this particular day. Over the phone, I said, "It is time, come home and write your resignation." The job had taken too much from our family and it was time to put us first. Both of us had prayed much and with that decision we found instant peace.
Peace is great and all but it does not pay the bills! LOL I did not understand how we were going to pay the bills or would we lose our house? Many questions ran through our minds but all the while, peace was worth the cost. I stated during that evening, as Brian wrote his resignation, "While we have believed that God wanted us to trust Him by waiting, maybe He just wants is to step out in faith."
Brian's last 2 weeks of work flew by and I worried about how his leaving would affect my position there. Brian's last working day was Friday, July 3rd. On Thursday he was contacted by someone that had seen his skills on craigslist. Brian sent them his resume that same day and they contacted him again on Monday asking for an interview. The interview was done on Tuesday and by Tuesday night, Brian had a job! My husband only went 2 days without a job! To this day, I am amazed at how God worked. We have had many friends out of work for months and we fully expected the same. God rewarded our faith! I still get tears when I think of what God did for us.
Since the job change, I have gotten my husband back and I was able to go back to being the emotionally needy one. LOL My position was not affected at all and in fact became easier without having to worry about Brian there. I am still at the old job and there are many hard and long days but I know that trusting my God is my only option. There are so many days that I hand my burden over to Him and the next day I take it back. I am human and my shear need drives me back to Him! Every night of exhausted tears, He is there. Every day of hurtful words, He is there. Every victory, He is there. My God has held my family in a special way this year.
I realize that our trial, to some, may seem very small but the result was the same. The trial was but an avenue for which to grow our relationship with our God. I weep as I write this knowing what a deep prayer life my husband I have developed. Our relationship with each other during that time became mostly our prayer life. What Satan could have used to destroy a marriage, God used to strengthen a marriage.
There is no easy way to end this except to thank those of you that have walked through this with us and continue to walk and pray for me as I press on. I know that my only requirement from God in all of this, is that I remain faithful and work with a spirit of excellence. (LA term for some of you! LOL) I hope that our little trial and testimony of faith is an encouragement to some that are walking through a trial of your own.
First, I will start with Anna Beth and the changes we have seen in her. There is no secret that she has been a challenge to raise but the rewards have been huge. She turned 4 in March and I was hoping that this would be the golden age. That all of our hard work would come together. I believe my expectation was that it would happen within 24 hours of her birthday but this was not the case. After a couple of months, we began to see a maturing in our little girl. Not just in the area of obedience but in her relationship with the Lord. Anna Beth had told us back in October of 2008 that she had asked Jesus to live in her heart. At 3 years, it is hard for mommies and daddies to trust that little ones understand this concept. Over the last few months, we have began to see changes. Anna Beth recognizes that Jesus is with us at all times, that He is aware of all our thoughts, words and actions. She understands that her sin hurts Him and she has to talk to Him to have a relationship. There are times that she actually shames me. Anna Beth's relationship with Jesus is so pure and trusting.
The car has become a place of prayer for our little family. Most mornings, Brian or I (the deliverer of the child to school) will have prayer time with Anna Beth. We pray for each of us to have a joyful day, and that we will make Jesus happy with the way we treat others. A few weeks ago, after picking Anna Beth up from school, I mentioned that daddy was having a hard day. Anna Beth informed me that she was going to thank Jesus and ask Him to help her daddy. She proceeded to close her eyes and pray her little heart out. Anna Beth has discovered one of the things that I find hardest to do.... Pray when I have a need. LOL It was so delightful to see my girl seeking her Jesus on behalf of her family. She has done the same for me when my days have been hard.
One morning a couple of weeks ago, Brian went to retrieve our sleeping child from her bed to began the morning wake-up routine. As he picked her up, which is getting harder to do, the first thing she said was, "I had a dream about Jesus!" Her face was full of contentment with a full smile. Did Jesus talk to our girl in her dreams? Did He make Himself real to her? These are answers I will never know but what a testimony of the special relationship that my 4 year old has with her Savior. I am a very grateful mommy! I am grateful for a child that is sensitive to the things of God at such a young age. I am grateful for the people that my family is surrounded by, that teach and enforce the same principles that we hold dear. I am grateful that God held our hands as parents through many doubts, fears and frustration and we are seeing the fruit of discipline and seeds.
Second, is the life of Brian and Jenny! LOL What a roller coaster it has been since February. In the 5 and a half years that Brian and I have been married, there has been very few trials we have had to face as a couple. There was the transition of my moving to Nashville but that was fairly easy. There was the traumatic birth of Anna Beth, 18 days in NICU, coming within 24 hours of heart surgery and going 10 days without holding my baby. But even that only brought us closer than ever! There was days where money was tight, paying off our credit card debt and purchasing 2 homes while selling mine back in Jackson. That too, just brought us closer! Then this year smacked us down in a way I never expected. As many of you know, Brian and I have worked together at the same place for most of our married life. We have loved it and while for many this can be difficult, we enjoyed it. There was the flirting as we passed in the warehouse, the occasional lunch in the lunch room together and there was always a sense to work harder and be above reproach. In February all of this changed...
Our company was purchased and many changes began to take place. Changes that while, helped the business in many ways, were done harshly and in hurtful ways. I had been working 30 hours, 3 days a week and was forced to go full-time or look somewhere else for work. This was a hard transition for our family. Since before Anna Beth was born, I had only worked part-time. Brian was placed in a position that did not come naturally for him but he faced the challenge. As the economy began to take it's toll on the business, there were hard days ahead. Our business went through 3 major systems conversions in one year. The last one was very difficult and not prepared as much as needed. While needed, this conversion became a hindrance to daily work activity. Brian, as the customer support manager, took the brunt of this fall. His team, handled the angry customers and the fall-out when things went wrong. Brian is not a confrontational person and this began to wear on him. We made the decision, as couple that he should began to look for other work.
There were many reasons for this decisions... this position was not what Brian was comfortable with, we had all of our eggs in one basket and that can be scary at times, Brian and his new boss did not communicate well and this caused much friction, again, not something Brian handles well. The search began and I was fearful. Finding a job in this economy can be difficult and scary. I was grateful that we both had jobs and looking elsewhere seemed risky. As the tension mounted, Brian's search became frantic. Almost every night was spent at the computer, applying for jobs. This took it's toll on our little family. Brian pulled away in full survival mode and I took over the running of the house and all emotional support for him and Anna Beth. As we all know, I am usually the emotional one so being the strong one became alot of hard work. I also began to compartmentalize my feelings and our marriage went silent. We both knew it was but for a season and knew that we would time find for us at the end of all this.
The season lasted longer than we thought! LOL One day, after a very difficult talk with Brian's boss, Brian called me and told me what happened. I knew that for some time Brian was ready to just quit and spend all of his energy looking for a job. As his wife, I did not feel the time was right until this particular day. Over the phone, I said, "It is time, come home and write your resignation." The job had taken too much from our family and it was time to put us first. Both of us had prayed much and with that decision we found instant peace.
Peace is great and all but it does not pay the bills! LOL I did not understand how we were going to pay the bills or would we lose our house? Many questions ran through our minds but all the while, peace was worth the cost. I stated during that evening, as Brian wrote his resignation, "While we have believed that God wanted us to trust Him by waiting, maybe He just wants is to step out in faith."
Brian's last 2 weeks of work flew by and I worried about how his leaving would affect my position there. Brian's last working day was Friday, July 3rd. On Thursday he was contacted by someone that had seen his skills on craigslist. Brian sent them his resume that same day and they contacted him again on Monday asking for an interview. The interview was done on Tuesday and by Tuesday night, Brian had a job! My husband only went 2 days without a job! To this day, I am amazed at how God worked. We have had many friends out of work for months and we fully expected the same. God rewarded our faith! I still get tears when I think of what God did for us.
Since the job change, I have gotten my husband back and I was able to go back to being the emotionally needy one. LOL My position was not affected at all and in fact became easier without having to worry about Brian there. I am still at the old job and there are many hard and long days but I know that trusting my God is my only option. There are so many days that I hand my burden over to Him and the next day I take it back. I am human and my shear need drives me back to Him! Every night of exhausted tears, He is there. Every day of hurtful words, He is there. Every victory, He is there. My God has held my family in a special way this year.
I realize that our trial, to some, may seem very small but the result was the same. The trial was but an avenue for which to grow our relationship with our God. I weep as I write this knowing what a deep prayer life my husband I have developed. Our relationship with each other during that time became mostly our prayer life. What Satan could have used to destroy a marriage, God used to strengthen a marriage.
There is no easy way to end this except to thank those of you that have walked through this with us and continue to walk and pray for me as I press on. I know that my only requirement from God in all of this, is that I remain faithful and work with a spirit of excellence. (LA term for some of you! LOL) I hope that our little trial and testimony of faith is an encouragement to some that are walking through a trial of your own.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Miracle Awakening dated- 4-4-07
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Miracle Awakening
I work 3 days a week and on the days I work Anna Beth goes to a pre-school. On those days the usual routine is for Brian or I to fetch her from her bed.This way she can lay in ours while we shower so that she can wake up slowly.
She will lay in our bed with her eyes closed, appearing to be completely sound asleep. However, as soon as we turn on the TV to Calliou (her favorite morning show) she will sit straight up in the bed and stare at the TV. It is like we injected black coffee into her veins! She never says a word unless we begin to actually get her ready for the day at which point she will start to scream. As soon as she is dressed she gets completely quiet agian and will not even acknowledge us until Calliou goes off unless of course we are talking to her about the show.
What kind of secret messages are they sending to our kids through the TV that we cannot hear? LOL I am fully expecting her to one day tell me that she has to go to Calliou's mother ship and won't be home for dinner!
Miracle Awakening
I work 3 days a week and on the days I work Anna Beth goes to a pre-school. On those days the usual routine is for Brian or I to fetch her from her bed.This way she can lay in ours while we shower so that she can wake up slowly.
She will lay in our bed with her eyes closed, appearing to be completely sound asleep. However, as soon as we turn on the TV to Calliou (her favorite morning show) she will sit straight up in the bed and stare at the TV. It is like we injected black coffee into her veins! She never says a word unless we begin to actually get her ready for the day at which point she will start to scream. As soon as she is dressed she gets completely quiet agian and will not even acknowledge us until Calliou goes off unless of course we are talking to her about the show.
What kind of secret messages are they sending to our kids through the TV that we cannot hear? LOL I am fully expecting her to one day tell me that she has to go to Calliou's mother ship and won't be home for dinner!
Great Husband Material dated- 4-6-07
Friday, April 06, 2007
Great husband material!
I work 3 days a week at 10+ hours a day, therefore I usually come home from work exhausted and not really ready to face a hungry 2 year old and husband. Not to mention the housework that awaits! It never fails, as I am climbing into bed at night my husband sweetly asks, "Do I have any clean jeans for in the morning?" This is the point where my hormones start to rage and my husband runs and hides in the closet! Not really but it he knew what I was thinking he might! Especially since we usually get to bed around 11 pm every night.
Just when my head is about to start spinning around, I come home to find that my sweet husband has cleaned the downstairs, folded laundry and started supper. The supper part is the most amazing part since the only thing that he can cook is tomato soup and grilled cheese, frozen pizza or canned pasta with ketchup. It is at this point that I sit down and start to cry and all he does is sit down next to me, pull me over onto his chest and rub my hair.
I really did marry the best husband material there is and am daily grateful that he found me!
Great husband material!
I work 3 days a week at 10+ hours a day, therefore I usually come home from work exhausted and not really ready to face a hungry 2 year old and husband. Not to mention the housework that awaits! It never fails, as I am climbing into bed at night my husband sweetly asks, "Do I have any clean jeans for in the morning?" This is the point where my hormones start to rage and my husband runs and hides in the closet! Not really but it he knew what I was thinking he might! Especially since we usually get to bed around 11 pm every night.
Just when my head is about to start spinning around, I come home to find that my sweet husband has cleaned the downstairs, folded laundry and started supper. The supper part is the most amazing part since the only thing that he can cook is tomato soup and grilled cheese, frozen pizza or canned pasta with ketchup. It is at this point that I sit down and start to cry and all he does is sit down next to me, pull me over onto his chest and rub my hair.
I really did marry the best husband material there is and am daily grateful that he found me!
Easter Egg Surprise dated- 4-9-07
Monday, April 09, 2007
Easter Egg Surprise
On Friday night I drove home in the snow! It is crazy! Seeing snow 2 days before Easter. I was wondering if I was going to have to storm the attic to find some winter clothes for Anna Beth to wear to the Easter Egg hunt the next day.
I did manage to find clothes for her to wear to the egg hunt but they were too small so her little legs just froze between her boots and her pants leg. She kept sticking her hands into our coats to try and stay warm. She just looked miserable until she realized she could pick up those Easter eggs! She smiled so big and charged ahead with her egg mission in mind. She picked up eggs and was tossing them into her basket so fast that they would fly out the other side. Brian had to walk behind her picking up the eggs that missed their intended target.
After the egg hunt we moved on to the inflatable rides. She was bound and determinded to go up a giant inflatable slide. She climbed up almost half way, looked back and tumbled down. Brian had to help her get to the top because even after her fall she had to go on the big slide. After arriving at the top, she realized that things can be larger than they appear! LOL She took one look and screamed all the way down.
This was also Anna Beth's first year to decorate eggs. This was an interesting process and also very dangerous. We have carpet in our dining room and I was just sure that I was going to end up with bright blue spots on my burber carpet. Anna loved to re-dye the eggs that we already colored. It was not good enough to gently drop them back into the dye. NO! It was like watching Peyton Manning hurling a football half way down the field!
Easter morning arrived and Anna Beth saw her basket sitting beside her bed. The first words out of her mouth was, "Wow". By the time that we had left for church she had had a chocolate breakfast and was doing her best to eat nothing but chocolate all day! I guess it helped her because she made it through Sunday school, church and lunch out before she crashed on the way home. Upon arriving home I managed to change her diaper, undress her and get her in the bed without her ever waking up. As soon as she did wake up at 5:15 that evening she pointed to her chest and said, "Oh, clothes off!"
Another holiday through the eyes of our girl and more memories to tuck away for future giggles and conversations!
Easter Egg Surprise
On Friday night I drove home in the snow! It is crazy! Seeing snow 2 days before Easter. I was wondering if I was going to have to storm the attic to find some winter clothes for Anna Beth to wear to the Easter Egg hunt the next day.
I did manage to find clothes for her to wear to the egg hunt but they were too small so her little legs just froze between her boots and her pants leg. She kept sticking her hands into our coats to try and stay warm. She just looked miserable until she realized she could pick up those Easter eggs! She smiled so big and charged ahead with her egg mission in mind. She picked up eggs and was tossing them into her basket so fast that they would fly out the other side. Brian had to walk behind her picking up the eggs that missed their intended target.
After the egg hunt we moved on to the inflatable rides. She was bound and determinded to go up a giant inflatable slide. She climbed up almost half way, looked back and tumbled down. Brian had to help her get to the top because even after her fall she had to go on the big slide. After arriving at the top, she realized that things can be larger than they appear! LOL She took one look and screamed all the way down.
This was also Anna Beth's first year to decorate eggs. This was an interesting process and also very dangerous. We have carpet in our dining room and I was just sure that I was going to end up with bright blue spots on my burber carpet. Anna loved to re-dye the eggs that we already colored. It was not good enough to gently drop them back into the dye. NO! It was like watching Peyton Manning hurling a football half way down the field!
Easter morning arrived and Anna Beth saw her basket sitting beside her bed. The first words out of her mouth was, "Wow". By the time that we had left for church she had had a chocolate breakfast and was doing her best to eat nothing but chocolate all day! I guess it helped her because she made it through Sunday school, church and lunch out before she crashed on the way home. Upon arriving home I managed to change her diaper, undress her and get her in the bed without her ever waking up. As soon as she did wake up at 5:15 that evening she pointed to her chest and said, "Oh, clothes off!"
Another holiday through the eyes of our girl and more memories to tuck away for future giggles and conversations!
Running In Circles dated- 4-11-07
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Gold Medalist at running in circles
Why are there days that you work your butt off (not literally of course!) and at the end of the day, end up with a stack higher than when you started?
There are days at work that I think that I might have been better off if I had never come in. That way I would not be as far behind as I am now! It is amazing to me that I can start the day with 2 small piles and at the end of the day I have 4 huge piles, a full trash can and a list from my boss of things that needed to have been done yesterday. Am I the only one out there feels like some of us should be awarded a gold medal for working in circles at a very fast pace.
It is like the days that I stay home with my 2 year old. There was a day that I spent the entire day walking behind her cleaning up. Twenty minutes before my husband was to come home, I started preparing supper and then ran in the living room to clean up the toys one more time. It was the last big push before Daddy got home! While I was cleaning up Anna Beth's toys, she went into the kitchen and emptied my silverware drawer onto the kitchen counter. Upon arriving back into the kitchen after cleaning up in the living room, I discover what she has done. I try to laugh and then start to clean up the new mess. I was just finishing up with the silverware when I walk back into the living room and see her emptying her toy box again! It was at this same time that my husband walked in the front door, so I just gave up, sat on the couch and pretended as though I had done nothing all day since that was the way that it looked!
Gold Medalist at running in circles
Why are there days that you work your butt off (not literally of course!) and at the end of the day, end up with a stack higher than when you started?
There are days at work that I think that I might have been better off if I had never come in. That way I would not be as far behind as I am now! It is amazing to me that I can start the day with 2 small piles and at the end of the day I have 4 huge piles, a full trash can and a list from my boss of things that needed to have been done yesterday. Am I the only one out there feels like some of us should be awarded a gold medal for working in circles at a very fast pace.
It is like the days that I stay home with my 2 year old. There was a day that I spent the entire day walking behind her cleaning up. Twenty minutes before my husband was to come home, I started preparing supper and then ran in the living room to clean up the toys one more time. It was the last big push before Daddy got home! While I was cleaning up Anna Beth's toys, she went into the kitchen and emptied my silverware drawer onto the kitchen counter. Upon arriving back into the kitchen after cleaning up in the living room, I discover what she has done. I try to laugh and then start to clean up the new mess. I was just finishing up with the silverware when I walk back into the living room and see her emptying her toy box again! It was at this same time that my husband walked in the front door, so I just gave up, sat on the couch and pretended as though I had done nothing all day since that was the way that it looked!
Viral Overload dated- 4-13-07
Friday, April 13, 2007
Viral load overload
My child is sick so often that when we go to the Dr's office all the nurses know her by name! No kidding! The front office area do not even have to look at the sign in sheet to see her name anymore. They just look up and walk over and pull her file.
This week it is pink eye, some viral cold and a weird rash that has covered her body. Now she wants to be stripped down so she can have easy access to scratch. How does she catch absolutely everything? And then we are so worn down that we catch it! There is a never ending cycle of illness that goes through our house. Someone, please tell me when this stops! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Viral load overload
My child is sick so often that when we go to the Dr's office all the nurses know her by name! No kidding! The front office area do not even have to look at the sign in sheet to see her name anymore. They just look up and walk over and pull her file.
This week it is pink eye, some viral cold and a weird rash that has covered her body. Now she wants to be stripped down so she can have easy access to scratch. How does she catch absolutely everything? And then we are so worn down that we catch it! There is a never ending cycle of illness that goes through our house. Someone, please tell me when this stops! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Now! dated- 4-23-07
Monday, April 23, 2007
How do kids learn to be so demanding so early in life? My 2 year old's favorite new word is "NOW!"
This last weekend we were on vacation with my parents, sister and her fiance'. During that period of time my daughter learned that everyone was always watching her and she could manipulate them to the utmost. "No, now, I want that, Give it to me, Want some and my personal favorite, Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno!, were her favorites for the entire vacation.
She had put this into practice to the point that on the way, my husband and I were talking in the front seat and I could hear her in the back repeating a phrase over and over. I knew what she was saying however we were in the middle of a coversation and she was calm so I thought that I would let her learn to wait her turn. Finally from the back seat we hear, "MY SHOES ON NOW!" at the top of her lungs. She only became more frustrated when we busted out laughing at her.
We have been home for 24 hours and are in the midst of re-programming her. The only problem is that her other set of Grandparents are coming to see us this weekend so it will start all over agian! LOL We are now going back to mommy and daddy's favorite phrases which are, please, thank you, excuse me and bless you.
Why is it that they always act like little hellions in front of people that you care about their opinion. At home she always uses her manners and for the most part is the little angel that I claim her to be! I can only hope that someday when she walks away that she will do us proud.
How do kids learn to be so demanding so early in life? My 2 year old's favorite new word is "NOW!"
This last weekend we were on vacation with my parents, sister and her fiance'. During that period of time my daughter learned that everyone was always watching her and she could manipulate them to the utmost. "No, now, I want that, Give it to me, Want some and my personal favorite, Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno!, were her favorites for the entire vacation.
She had put this into practice to the point that on the way, my husband and I were talking in the front seat and I could hear her in the back repeating a phrase over and over. I knew what she was saying however we were in the middle of a coversation and she was calm so I thought that I would let her learn to wait her turn. Finally from the back seat we hear, "MY SHOES ON NOW!" at the top of her lungs. She only became more frustrated when we busted out laughing at her.
We have been home for 24 hours and are in the midst of re-programming her. The only problem is that her other set of Grandparents are coming to see us this weekend so it will start all over agian! LOL We are now going back to mommy and daddy's favorite phrases which are, please, thank you, excuse me and bless you.
Why is it that they always act like little hellions in front of people that you care about their opinion. At home she always uses her manners and for the most part is the little angel that I claim her to be! I can only hope that someday when she walks away that she will do us proud.
Raising A Striper dated- 4-27-07
Friday, April 27, 2007
I am rasing a stripper!
Yesterday I was out on my front porch with my 2 year old . We are in home improvement mode right now so I was scrapping the old paint off the trim on my house preparing it for a new coat. My little one was talking and singing away right beside me when suddenly it got very quiet.
I was in a zone and was only aware of her presence and the fact that she was not hurt so I was totally unaware of what she was doing. The next thing I know, I hear her say, "mommy, diaper off." I of course say, "no" and turn around to look down at her. She is standing there completely naked from the waist down and her diaper is laying in the flower bed below.
As I realize that I have become that neighbor that is an embarrasment to the whole neighborhood, I look up and see several of my neighbors looking at us and laughing. My mortification only grew when my child looked and me, pointed her finger and said, "mommy, potty NOW!"
I took one good look at her and she took off running into the house. I was close behind with steam coming out of my ears. When I caught up with her I was even more humiliated to realize that it had been a dirty diaper!
I am rasing a stripper!
Yesterday I was out on my front porch with my 2 year old . We are in home improvement mode right now so I was scrapping the old paint off the trim on my house preparing it for a new coat. My little one was talking and singing away right beside me when suddenly it got very quiet.
I was in a zone and was only aware of her presence and the fact that she was not hurt so I was totally unaware of what she was doing. The next thing I know, I hear her say, "mommy, diaper off." I of course say, "no" and turn around to look down at her. She is standing there completely naked from the waist down and her diaper is laying in the flower bed below.
As I realize that I have become that neighbor that is an embarrasment to the whole neighborhood, I look up and see several of my neighbors looking at us and laughing. My mortification only grew when my child looked and me, pointed her finger and said, "mommy, potty NOW!"
I took one good look at her and she took off running into the house. I was close behind with steam coming out of my ears. When I caught up with her I was even more humiliated to realize that it had been a dirty diaper!
Bunny On The Lam dated- 5-14-07
Monday, May 14, 2007
Bunny on the Lam
The other morning, my little one woke up around 6 am on my day off and I was able to keep her in the bed until around 8am. After that, she had had enough of the bed and was raring to go.
I finally dragged myself from the deep recess of my comfortable bed and headed to the restroom. Upon my return to my bedroom, (which is less than 1 step away) I discovered that Anna Beth had taken off. I called for her down the stairs and she informed me of where she was. She also told me what she was doing but I could not understand her so I just told her to come back up when she got done.
About 5 minutes later she arrived back in the room covered in chocolate. She was carrying an empty Chocolate Easter Bunny package that she had put back together and she was returning it back to it's orginal place.
Her Daddy had left the Easter bunny sitting on his nightstand after he had broken off the ears for her a couple of weeks perviously. Anna Beth had discovered it's hiding place and had devoured about 6 inches of solid chocolate bunny at 8 o'clock in the morning!
After I managed to stop laughing I washed her up and went looking for the chocolate that I was sure covered every surface between my room and the living room. Fortunately for me, I have a neat freak for a 2 year old and there was no evidence of her crime. I could not bring myself to punish her for her infraction. After all, I did not tell her that she could not have the bunny before breakfast! LOL
Bunny on the Lam
The other morning, my little one woke up around 6 am on my day off and I was able to keep her in the bed until around 8am. After that, she had had enough of the bed and was raring to go.
I finally dragged myself from the deep recess of my comfortable bed and headed to the restroom. Upon my return to my bedroom, (which is less than 1 step away) I discovered that Anna Beth had taken off. I called for her down the stairs and she informed me of where she was. She also told me what she was doing but I could not understand her so I just told her to come back up when she got done.
About 5 minutes later she arrived back in the room covered in chocolate. She was carrying an empty Chocolate Easter Bunny package that she had put back together and she was returning it back to it's orginal place.
Her Daddy had left the Easter bunny sitting on his nightstand after he had broken off the ears for her a couple of weeks perviously. Anna Beth had discovered it's hiding place and had devoured about 6 inches of solid chocolate bunny at 8 o'clock in the morning!
After I managed to stop laughing I washed her up and went looking for the chocolate that I was sure covered every surface between my room and the living room. Fortunately for me, I have a neat freak for a 2 year old and there was no evidence of her crime. I could not bring myself to punish her for her infraction. After all, I did not tell her that she could not have the bunny before breakfast! LOL
Special Ordinary Days dated- 5-14-07
Monday, May 14, 2007
Special Ordinary Days!
My girl has discovered the sprinkler! She loves to run through the ice cold water and scream at the top of her lungs. I have never heard an audible scream that was that high pitched. If that is what I sounded like at 2 years of age, it is no wonder that my Dad hid in his bedroom! LOL
We have several girls that live next door and they often join us in the front yard to take their turn through the sprinkler. It has become such an attraction that at one point the other day, we had about 10 neighborhood kids running through the mud that we used to call a front yard.
Brian and I have started spending a couple of evenings a week sitting on the front porch watching the kid's soak themselves. Yes, we are aware of the water bill that is coming our way but you just can't put a price tag on the smile of our girl!
Anna Beth has also discovered the Ice Cream truck that often rides up and down our road. We have spent time eating our fudge bars on the front porch this summer. We have to send Anna Beth back through the sprinkler when she is done with her ice cream but that orange cream popcicle was worth every penny. These are the special moments that you cannot create but only tuck away in your memory and recall someday as we watch her walk across the stage to receive her diploma!
Special Ordinary Days!
My girl has discovered the sprinkler! She loves to run through the ice cold water and scream at the top of her lungs. I have never heard an audible scream that was that high pitched. If that is what I sounded like at 2 years of age, it is no wonder that my Dad hid in his bedroom! LOL
We have several girls that live next door and they often join us in the front yard to take their turn through the sprinkler. It has become such an attraction that at one point the other day, we had about 10 neighborhood kids running through the mud that we used to call a front yard.
Brian and I have started spending a couple of evenings a week sitting on the front porch watching the kid's soak themselves. Yes, we are aware of the water bill that is coming our way but you just can't put a price tag on the smile of our girl!
Anna Beth has also discovered the Ice Cream truck that often rides up and down our road. We have spent time eating our fudge bars on the front porch this summer. We have to send Anna Beth back through the sprinkler when she is done with her ice cream but that orange cream popcicle was worth every penny. These are the special moments that you cannot create but only tuck away in your memory and recall someday as we watch her walk across the stage to receive her diploma!
The Little Things dated- 5-21-07
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Little Things
It is the little things in life that I appreciate the most now!
Watching a movie while curled up on the couch with my husband
Running through the sprinkler with my daughter
Having a family day (just the 3 of us)
Getting the whole house clean in one day
Playing outside all day
Taking a walk with my family
Sleeping In on my days off
Emails and phone calls from my husband (especially when I know that he is busy but wanted to talk to me!)
Watching my 2 year old learn a new skill or play with her dolls
I used to value my time differently but the older I get, the more I just enjoy watching my family change and experience life. There never seems to be an end to the delight that a kiss from my husband brings. There is an intense satisfaction from hearing my daughter giggle and knowing that I caused her to smile. Joy in seeing my husband walk in the door and head straight to see me and happiness in knowing that my daughter is having a childhood that many just dream of. One full of love, discipline and security. No camera can capture the contentment that I feel in knowing that I am exactly where God wants me and loving every moment of it!
The Little Things
It is the little things in life that I appreciate the most now!
Watching a movie while curled up on the couch with my husband
Running through the sprinkler with my daughter
Having a family day (just the 3 of us)
Getting the whole house clean in one day
Playing outside all day
Taking a walk with my family
Sleeping In on my days off
Emails and phone calls from my husband (especially when I know that he is busy but wanted to talk to me!)
Watching my 2 year old learn a new skill or play with her dolls
I used to value my time differently but the older I get, the more I just enjoy watching my family change and experience life. There never seems to be an end to the delight that a kiss from my husband brings. There is an intense satisfaction from hearing my daughter giggle and knowing that I caused her to smile. Joy in seeing my husband walk in the door and head straight to see me and happiness in knowing that my daughter is having a childhood that many just dream of. One full of love, discipline and security. No camera can capture the contentment that I feel in knowing that I am exactly where God wants me and loving every moment of it!
My Child Shut Down Walmart dated- 6-12-07
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My child shut down Walmart
I was shopping in the clothing section of our local Walmart with my adorable 2 year old when she gave me the scare of my life!
Anna Beth was standing about 5 feet in front of me and looking directly at me. I told her to come back and she looked at me and took off running to the right. By the time that I got to where she had been standing she was no where in sight. I immediatley began to yell her name which she completely ignored. Imagine that! I stood for about 2 seconds thinking that I can either keep screaming her name or risk embarrasment and ask for help. My fear of her having been snatched overuled my fear of embarrassment and I raced 10 feet away to the dressing rooms. I quickly stated that my 2 year old was gone and I could not find her. The next thing that I knew there was 5 Walmart associates surrounding the area and a "Code Adam" was being called over the intercom. My dear sweet Anna Beth, the apple of my eye, my pride and joy had shut down Walmart. No one comes or goes out of those doors when a "code Adam" is called! Very quickly, my angel was found grinning under a clothes rack. She had cut around behind me while I was looking for her and come out the other side. She found a nice little hiding spot under Materity shirts!
My face was beet red and then the battle began. She was going into the shopping cart, no arguments! Anna Beth, on the other hand thought that a great injustice had been done to her and she screamed for 45 minutes through the store! The store was full of older ladies who looked at me with their long suffering looks which just made me madder! One of them made the mistake of stopping and asking Anna Beth what I had done to her. That poor woman got her head snapped off and I have no doubt that she will avoid me at all costs if she ever sees me again! LOL
I am grateful that Walmart was so quick to respond but I will not go shoppping at Walmart alone with Anna Beth again anytime soon!
My child shut down Walmart
I was shopping in the clothing section of our local Walmart with my adorable 2 year old when she gave me the scare of my life!
Anna Beth was standing about 5 feet in front of me and looking directly at me. I told her to come back and she looked at me and took off running to the right. By the time that I got to where she had been standing she was no where in sight. I immediatley began to yell her name which she completely ignored. Imagine that! I stood for about 2 seconds thinking that I can either keep screaming her name or risk embarrasment and ask for help. My fear of her having been snatched overuled my fear of embarrassment and I raced 10 feet away to the dressing rooms. I quickly stated that my 2 year old was gone and I could not find her. The next thing that I knew there was 5 Walmart associates surrounding the area and a "Code Adam" was being called over the intercom. My dear sweet Anna Beth, the apple of my eye, my pride and joy had shut down Walmart. No one comes or goes out of those doors when a "code Adam" is called! Very quickly, my angel was found grinning under a clothes rack. She had cut around behind me while I was looking for her and come out the other side. She found a nice little hiding spot under Materity shirts!
My face was beet red and then the battle began. She was going into the shopping cart, no arguments! Anna Beth, on the other hand thought that a great injustice had been done to her and she screamed for 45 minutes through the store! The store was full of older ladies who looked at me with their long suffering looks which just made me madder! One of them made the mistake of stopping and asking Anna Beth what I had done to her. That poor woman got her head snapped off and I have no doubt that she will avoid me at all costs if she ever sees me again! LOL
I am grateful that Walmart was so quick to respond but I will not go shoppping at Walmart alone with Anna Beth again anytime soon!
It Is Not Fair dated- 7-13-07
Friday, July 13, 2007
It is not Fair!
My sweet 2 year has been astounding us with her language skills lately and how closely she listens to what we say.
Just recently, our air conditioning went out at our home on a 90+ degree day. I called my husband at work and he told me that he would check it out when he got home. He later told me that when I said that it was 80 degrees in the house, he though that I was being "dramatic" not actually reading him the temp off the thermostat! This was the point that my eyes starting bulging out of my head and my blood pressure shot up because I had lost an entire pound in sweat over a 12 hour period because he thought that I was just being dramtic. LOL
Anyway, off the subject, by 10 o'clock that night we had a plan in motion to get the air fixed over the weekend and headed over to my sister's fiance's apartment to sleep. None of us had eaten so we stopped at a drive thru to grab a bite. My husband was driving and did the ordering while Anna Beth and I sat in the back seat. I was busy paying attention to what Brain was ordering and was aware that Anna Beth was repeating what he said but did not really think that much about it. As soon as the ordering was complete. Brian moved the car forward to receive the much anticipated dinner. Just as the car began to move Anna Beth yelled, "That's not fair, I wanted to juice!" She had been listening to see what Daddy had ordered and was making sure that she got exactly what she wanted.
In the end, she did not get her juice but we had a very good laugh and Daddy learned to use the word dramatic more cautiously in the future! LOL
It is not Fair!
My sweet 2 year has been astounding us with her language skills lately and how closely she listens to what we say.
Just recently, our air conditioning went out at our home on a 90+ degree day. I called my husband at work and he told me that he would check it out when he got home. He later told me that when I said that it was 80 degrees in the house, he though that I was being "dramatic" not actually reading him the temp off the thermostat! This was the point that my eyes starting bulging out of my head and my blood pressure shot up because I had lost an entire pound in sweat over a 12 hour period because he thought that I was just being dramtic. LOL
Anyway, off the subject, by 10 o'clock that night we had a plan in motion to get the air fixed over the weekend and headed over to my sister's fiance's apartment to sleep. None of us had eaten so we stopped at a drive thru to grab a bite. My husband was driving and did the ordering while Anna Beth and I sat in the back seat. I was busy paying attention to what Brain was ordering and was aware that Anna Beth was repeating what he said but did not really think that much about it. As soon as the ordering was complete. Brian moved the car forward to receive the much anticipated dinner. Just as the car began to move Anna Beth yelled, "That's not fair, I wanted to juice!" She had been listening to see what Daddy had ordered and was making sure that she got exactly what she wanted.
In the end, she did not get her juice but we had a very good laugh and Daddy learned to use the word dramatic more cautiously in the future! LOL
Poor Miss Boots dated- 7-27-07
Friday, July 27, 2007
Poor Miss Boots!
We recently gained a new family member in the form of a kitten our 2 year old named Miss Boots. Miss Boots is a very sweet kitten that suffers much at the hands of Anna Beth. It has taken alot of fussing to get her to stop carrying Miss Boots around the house by her neck and holding her down against her will. I dare say, Miss Boots will truly enjoy a break when Anna Beth starts back to pre-school in 2 weeks! LOL
Today was one of those great days that I was able to stay home with my girl and have a fun day. I had finally talked Anna Beth into getting into the bath tub with me (she likes to be dirty a lot and would only get clean with a buddy!) and she tried to talk me into letting Miss Boots join us. I had her convinced that it would be more fun with just the two of us and off we headed upstairs to scrap the layers of dirt of of her. This is where Miss Boots made the fatal mistake of following us...
Anna Beth finally looked clean and she hopped out of the tub and leaving me sitting there to clean up her bath toys. The next thing that I know there is a terrified cat hurling through the air, landing directly in front of me in the water. Miss Boots never made a sound but she was anxious to make a quick escape from the lake that we call a tub.Miss boots made a hasty exit with Anna Beth hot on her tail. As I sat there in the tub stunned at what had just happened and laughing until tears were rolling down my face, Anna Beth was busy hatching her next plan.
I heard the cat crying and Anna Beth in the guest bathroom, where we keep the cat box. I knew this could not be a good sign so leaping out of the tub and grabbing a towel on my way, I arrive at a closed bathroom door. I slowly opened the door fearing what was on the other side. Looking down, there was a very wet Miss Boots being trapped in her litter box with my sweet, dear 2 year old standing guard to make sure that Miss Boots went potty.
In the end I ended up having to hose Anna Beth and the cat down in the shower to get all the wet cat litter off of them both. I made the decision to call my dear husband that was toiling away at work and fill him on the fun to be had at home.
If there is man out there that still believes that staying at home with your spawn is an easy ride, may you read this and heed a warning. Any mother that has had a fun delightful day like mine and does not bite her husband's head off when he walks in the door is a wife to be praised.
Anna Beth, someday, when you meet the love of your life, I will pull this story out and embarrass you and this will be my revenge! LOL
Poor Miss Boots!
We recently gained a new family member in the form of a kitten our 2 year old named Miss Boots. Miss Boots is a very sweet kitten that suffers much at the hands of Anna Beth. It has taken alot of fussing to get her to stop carrying Miss Boots around the house by her neck and holding her down against her will. I dare say, Miss Boots will truly enjoy a break when Anna Beth starts back to pre-school in 2 weeks! LOL
Today was one of those great days that I was able to stay home with my girl and have a fun day. I had finally talked Anna Beth into getting into the bath tub with me (she likes to be dirty a lot and would only get clean with a buddy!) and she tried to talk me into letting Miss Boots join us. I had her convinced that it would be more fun with just the two of us and off we headed upstairs to scrap the layers of dirt of of her. This is where Miss Boots made the fatal mistake of following us...
Anna Beth finally looked clean and she hopped out of the tub and leaving me sitting there to clean up her bath toys. The next thing that I know there is a terrified cat hurling through the air, landing directly in front of me in the water. Miss Boots never made a sound but she was anxious to make a quick escape from the lake that we call a tub.Miss boots made a hasty exit with Anna Beth hot on her tail. As I sat there in the tub stunned at what had just happened and laughing until tears were rolling down my face, Anna Beth was busy hatching her next plan.
I heard the cat crying and Anna Beth in the guest bathroom, where we keep the cat box. I knew this could not be a good sign so leaping out of the tub and grabbing a towel on my way, I arrive at a closed bathroom door. I slowly opened the door fearing what was on the other side. Looking down, there was a very wet Miss Boots being trapped in her litter box with my sweet, dear 2 year old standing guard to make sure that Miss Boots went potty.
In the end I ended up having to hose Anna Beth and the cat down in the shower to get all the wet cat litter off of them both. I made the decision to call my dear husband that was toiling away at work and fill him on the fun to be had at home.
If there is man out there that still believes that staying at home with your spawn is an easy ride, may you read this and heed a warning. Any mother that has had a fun delightful day like mine and does not bite her husband's head off when he walks in the door is a wife to be praised.
Anna Beth, someday, when you meet the love of your life, I will pull this story out and embarrass you and this will be my revenge! LOL
Stole The Show dated- 10-01-07
Monday, October 01, 2007
Stole the Show
My dear sister, Denise, recently got married and wanted my little Diva daughter to be in the wedding. Anna Beth is upredictable so I was scared to death as to what she was going to do on my sister's special day. Sure enough, my dear child, became the center of the show.
The day dawned bright and clear and we had great hopes for the day that lay before us. Denise and I rushed around loading up the car and preparing to make the trip to the church. My husband, Brian, managed to bathe and dress Anna Beth and then I rolled her hair. She was an absolute delight that morning and I was thrilled at her behavior. Anna Beth's sweetness continued at the church while I fixed Denise's hair, Anna Beth's hair and my own. She was perfect until we pulled out the dress!
I had handed the dress off to Brian in hopes that he could take care of her so I could get my errands around the church done however Anna Beth had other plans. She ran around the church crying, in her bloomers for about an hour before we managed to get her dress on. Thank goodness that she was going barefoot down the aisle because that would have just been a disaster!
With the dress on and a few pictures snapped, we readied ourselves to walk down the Aisle. The only problem was that Anna Beth had a box of Goldfish that she refused to put down. I really thought that she would be carrying that box of Goldfish down the aisle instead of her flowers but Denise managed to distract her while I poured the rest out into a plant. From there we moved closer to the doors and Anna Beth choose to walk down the aisle with me rather than on her own. This went very well, she walked right up the stairs and stood in place waiting for my sister to arrive. The only problem was that she discovered that she could see all the people in the world that she loved the most and began to shout their names from the stage! She then turned to me and said, "Moma, its Neice! Look!" I agreed with her, that indeed it was Denise! Denise laughed while I turned red and the rest of the group chuckled. Oh, if only the drama had stopped there!
At this point, she was suppoed to go and sit down with her grandparents but she decided that she wanted to stay where she was for the moment and rather than risk a tantrum onstage, we left her be. Biggest mistake ever!
The pastor began to pray and Anna Beth began to run up and down the stage. Her Daddy arrived at the edge of the stage to grab her when she got close enough but she would giggle and run back to stand beside me. This went on about 3 times and then she ended the prayer beside me with her little hands folded and eyes closed like a perfect angel. Then she decided that Aunt Denise and Uncle Brad were spending too much time looking at each other rather than her. So off she went to stand right between them and yell their names in hopes that they would see her.
I had had enough and walked across the stage holding 2 bouquets in uncomfortable heels to drag my little darling back. I was able to get between Denise and Brad and grab her hand, at which point Anna Beth gets smart and goes limp! There I am dragging her across the stage by her arm as her body slides across the floor! I am as red as a tomato and regreating the day I ever gave birth at this point! Anna Beth managed to get away from me again and stood between the laughing Bride and Groom, yelling, "Brad!" while she grabs the front of his pants. Brad was now growing fearful that he was going to loose his pants and off I trek again to drag her back.
Upon arriving back in my spot, I kneel down and hold her and Anna Beth began to yell at me, "Let go of me mommy!" I finally conviced her to go see her Daddy and off she trotted to the edge of the stage while I am left sitting on the floor wondering how in the world I was going to get back up gracefully!
In the end we had a good laugh but the next time that anyone suggests that my little Diva be in their wedding I am going to tell them about the day she stole the show!
Stole the Show
My dear sister, Denise, recently got married and wanted my little Diva daughter to be in the wedding. Anna Beth is upredictable so I was scared to death as to what she was going to do on my sister's special day. Sure enough, my dear child, became the center of the show.
The day dawned bright and clear and we had great hopes for the day that lay before us. Denise and I rushed around loading up the car and preparing to make the trip to the church. My husband, Brian, managed to bathe and dress Anna Beth and then I rolled her hair. She was an absolute delight that morning and I was thrilled at her behavior. Anna Beth's sweetness continued at the church while I fixed Denise's hair, Anna Beth's hair and my own. She was perfect until we pulled out the dress!
I had handed the dress off to Brian in hopes that he could take care of her so I could get my errands around the church done however Anna Beth had other plans. She ran around the church crying, in her bloomers for about an hour before we managed to get her dress on. Thank goodness that she was going barefoot down the aisle because that would have just been a disaster!
With the dress on and a few pictures snapped, we readied ourselves to walk down the Aisle. The only problem was that Anna Beth had a box of Goldfish that she refused to put down. I really thought that she would be carrying that box of Goldfish down the aisle instead of her flowers but Denise managed to distract her while I poured the rest out into a plant. From there we moved closer to the doors and Anna Beth choose to walk down the aisle with me rather than on her own. This went very well, she walked right up the stairs and stood in place waiting for my sister to arrive. The only problem was that she discovered that she could see all the people in the world that she loved the most and began to shout their names from the stage! She then turned to me and said, "Moma, its Neice! Look!" I agreed with her, that indeed it was Denise! Denise laughed while I turned red and the rest of the group chuckled. Oh, if only the drama had stopped there!
At this point, she was suppoed to go and sit down with her grandparents but she decided that she wanted to stay where she was for the moment and rather than risk a tantrum onstage, we left her be. Biggest mistake ever!
The pastor began to pray and Anna Beth began to run up and down the stage. Her Daddy arrived at the edge of the stage to grab her when she got close enough but she would giggle and run back to stand beside me. This went on about 3 times and then she ended the prayer beside me with her little hands folded and eyes closed like a perfect angel. Then she decided that Aunt Denise and Uncle Brad were spending too much time looking at each other rather than her. So off she went to stand right between them and yell their names in hopes that they would see her.
I had had enough and walked across the stage holding 2 bouquets in uncomfortable heels to drag my little darling back. I was able to get between Denise and Brad and grab her hand, at which point Anna Beth gets smart and goes limp! There I am dragging her across the stage by her arm as her body slides across the floor! I am as red as a tomato and regreating the day I ever gave birth at this point! Anna Beth managed to get away from me again and stood between the laughing Bride and Groom, yelling, "Brad!" while she grabs the front of his pants. Brad was now growing fearful that he was going to loose his pants and off I trek again to drag her back.
Upon arriving back in my spot, I kneel down and hold her and Anna Beth began to yell at me, "Let go of me mommy!" I finally conviced her to go see her Daddy and off she trotted to the edge of the stage while I am left sitting on the floor wondering how in the world I was going to get back up gracefully!
In the end we had a good laugh but the next time that anyone suggests that my little Diva be in their wedding I am going to tell them about the day she stole the show!
What Daddy Loves... dated- 10-17-07
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
What Daddy Loves...
Anna Beth and I were walking into the store yesterday while I was on the phone with my sweet husband. When I finished the call, I told Anna Beth that Daddy said that he loved her and Mommy. Anna Beth added, "and he loves football too!" I immediately got back on the phone to let Daddy know that Anna Beth is aware of his list of loves and in what order they go! LOL
Later that day as we were leaving the store, Anna Beth looked up at me as she was "helping" to push the cart and said, "That was fun mommy!"
Anna Beth was helping me put away the things that we had gotten earlier in the day and she came across something for her cat, Miss Boots. It had a picture of a cat on it so she called Ms. Boots over and said, "Look Boots, it's you!" Sure enough, Miss Boots walked over and looked at the picture and they looked like they were really carrying on a conversation! LOL
Last night, the 3 of us were running around the house bugging each other and I did something that Anna Beth did not approve of. She looked at me and said, "no Mommy, you're going to get a spanking. And she actually walked over and smacked me. She then took one look at my face and ran! LOL
A couple of days ago, I was crying over some stupid show and Brian was making fun of me. Anna Beth walked up and said, "It's ok Mommy, did Dady hit you?" After we got done laughing, explaining to her that Daddy would never hit Mommy and trying to figure out where she picked that up, I had this fear come over me that she was going to go to pre-school and tell her teachers that Daddy hit Mommy!LOL
We never cease to be amazed at the things that come out of her mouth. She has grown up so fast! Brian I spend alot of our evenings just talking to her, enjoying her and getting a good laugh. It is so much better than TV!
What Daddy Loves...
Anna Beth and I were walking into the store yesterday while I was on the phone with my sweet husband. When I finished the call, I told Anna Beth that Daddy said that he loved her and Mommy. Anna Beth added, "and he loves football too!" I immediately got back on the phone to let Daddy know that Anna Beth is aware of his list of loves and in what order they go! LOL
Later that day as we were leaving the store, Anna Beth looked up at me as she was "helping" to push the cart and said, "That was fun mommy!"
Anna Beth was helping me put away the things that we had gotten earlier in the day and she came across something for her cat, Miss Boots. It had a picture of a cat on it so she called Ms. Boots over and said, "Look Boots, it's you!" Sure enough, Miss Boots walked over and looked at the picture and they looked like they were really carrying on a conversation! LOL
Last night, the 3 of us were running around the house bugging each other and I did something that Anna Beth did not approve of. She looked at me and said, "no Mommy, you're going to get a spanking. And she actually walked over and smacked me. She then took one look at my face and ran! LOL
A couple of days ago, I was crying over some stupid show and Brian was making fun of me. Anna Beth walked up and said, "It's ok Mommy, did Dady hit you?" After we got done laughing, explaining to her that Daddy would never hit Mommy and trying to figure out where she picked that up, I had this fear come over me that she was going to go to pre-school and tell her teachers that Daddy hit Mommy!LOL
We never cease to be amazed at the things that come out of her mouth. She has grown up so fast! Brian I spend alot of our evenings just talking to her, enjoying her and getting a good laugh. It is so much better than TV!
Anna Beth's Daddy dated- 10-3-07
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Anna Beth’s Daddy
Anna Beth and I were in the spare room/office today. It was the one room in the house that is dedicated completely to Brian's passion. Sports! There are minature football helmets lining the top of one wall with hockey jersey's hanging below and Brian's high school music trophies displayed on the walls. This is his man room! On the back of the door he has hung a rather large poster of Muhamad Ali and this is what grabbed the attention of little Anna Beth this afternoon.
Anna Beth was standing there looking at the large poster and turned to me and said, "Look Mommy, it's Daddy!" This is the second time that she has called the rather large man in the picture Daddy and at that moment I looked at it from her eyes.
Brian is a small man by the world's standards. He stands at 5 feet tall and weighs in a little over 100 pounds but to Anna Beth he is larger than life! She sees her Daddy as the most special and important man in the world and in our home he is.
Tonight, after dinner, all of us climbed on the couch to watch a movie. Anna Beth was in her Daddy's arms and he was enjoying his cuddle time with his girl. As I watched them, I thought back again to this afternoon. When Anna Beth sees her Daddy she sees someone that she loves unconditionally. Even when Daddy gets impatient, she forgives and loves him. Daddy can make the hurt go away, he can carry heavy things, he makes her feel safe. Daddy delights in his girl and sees how special she really is. In Daddy, she sees the love of her heavenly Father. Someday, she will understand what Jesus did for her because she has watched her Daddy love and take care of her so carefully.
I never want to tarnish the image of my child's Father. I always want her to see him for what he truly is, a devoted husband and Father. Brian is the spiritual leader and main provider of our home. I always want the highlight of our day to be the moment Daddy comes home. He is to be a man respected and loved because to my little girl, he is the world and someday the only picture of God she will be able to relate to. That is something to be treasured!
We have a mighty task before us and I pray each day that God will strengthen us to take care of our marriage and the child that He has entrusted to our care.
Daddy, if you read this, you are larger than life in mine and Anna Beth's world and we love you devotedly!
Anna Beth’s Daddy
Anna Beth and I were in the spare room/office today. It was the one room in the house that is dedicated completely to Brian's passion. Sports! There are minature football helmets lining the top of one wall with hockey jersey's hanging below and Brian's high school music trophies displayed on the walls. This is his man room! On the back of the door he has hung a rather large poster of Muhamad Ali and this is what grabbed the attention of little Anna Beth this afternoon.
Anna Beth was standing there looking at the large poster and turned to me and said, "Look Mommy, it's Daddy!" This is the second time that she has called the rather large man in the picture Daddy and at that moment I looked at it from her eyes.
Brian is a small man by the world's standards. He stands at 5 feet tall and weighs in a little over 100 pounds but to Anna Beth he is larger than life! She sees her Daddy as the most special and important man in the world and in our home he is.
Tonight, after dinner, all of us climbed on the couch to watch a movie. Anna Beth was in her Daddy's arms and he was enjoying his cuddle time with his girl. As I watched them, I thought back again to this afternoon. When Anna Beth sees her Daddy she sees someone that she loves unconditionally. Even when Daddy gets impatient, she forgives and loves him. Daddy can make the hurt go away, he can carry heavy things, he makes her feel safe. Daddy delights in his girl and sees how special she really is. In Daddy, she sees the love of her heavenly Father. Someday, she will understand what Jesus did for her because she has watched her Daddy love and take care of her so carefully.
I never want to tarnish the image of my child's Father. I always want her to see him for what he truly is, a devoted husband and Father. Brian is the spiritual leader and main provider of our home. I always want the highlight of our day to be the moment Daddy comes home. He is to be a man respected and loved because to my little girl, he is the world and someday the only picture of God she will be able to relate to. That is something to be treasured!
We have a mighty task before us and I pray each day that God will strengthen us to take care of our marriage and the child that He has entrusted to our care.
Daddy, if you read this, you are larger than life in mine and Anna Beth's world and we love you devotedly!
What Did She Say? dated- 12-12-07
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What did she say?!!!
New outlandish things are always coming out of Anna Beth's mouth and we honestly have no idea what she is going to say next!
Last night she was flipping through my new phone pamphlet "reading it" and said, "I just can't believe it"
The other day, I asked Anna Beth to go tell her Daddy something (he was up-stairs) and she said, "I will in a minute Mommy, shut-up!" I had to call Brian down to deal with her because I was afriad to touch her at that point. I am really afraid to see what she says when she turns into a pre-teen!
My favorite is to listen to her while she is talking to her cat, Boots, or her dolls. I can often here her saying, "No, don't do that, I put you in time-out, 1,2,3, ok, you go in time-out now!"
She has never caught on to I can or can't yet. She always says, "ok Daddy, I can't do that" when she actually means that she can.
What did she say?!!!
New outlandish things are always coming out of Anna Beth's mouth and we honestly have no idea what she is going to say next!
Last night she was flipping through my new phone pamphlet "reading it" and said, "I just can't believe it"
The other day, I asked Anna Beth to go tell her Daddy something (he was up-stairs) and she said, "I will in a minute Mommy, shut-up!" I had to call Brian down to deal with her because I was afriad to touch her at that point. I am really afraid to see what she says when she turns into a pre-teen!
My favorite is to listen to her while she is talking to her cat, Boots, or her dolls. I can often here her saying, "No, don't do that, I put you in time-out, 1,2,3, ok, you go in time-out now!"
She has never caught on to I can or can't yet. She always says, "ok Daddy, I can't do that" when she actually means that she can.
Head In A Bucket dated- 12-12-07
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Head in a Bucket
Anna Beth came down with a fever on Sunday night. She told me, while driving home from seeing Santa, "Momma, I not feel good." It turns out that she had a 103 degree temp. It happend in about the span of 30 minutes and I am still suprised at how fast it happened. She had a headache and apparently a stomach ache.
I stayed home from work with her on Monday and she had been starting to feel better after a very long and difficult night. I had run up-stairs for a quick laundry run and upon my return, I spotted Anna Beth. She was laying in her bean-bag chair with her head buried in a bucket. I asked her what she was doing and she informed me that she did not feel good. Sure enough, a few seconds later, that bucket came in handy! She is trained at the age of 2! Good thing for me because at the rate we are going, we are going to be using that bucket alot over the next few years! LOL
Head in a Bucket
Anna Beth came down with a fever on Sunday night. She told me, while driving home from seeing Santa, "Momma, I not feel good." It turns out that she had a 103 degree temp. It happend in about the span of 30 minutes and I am still suprised at how fast it happened. She had a headache and apparently a stomach ache.
I stayed home from work with her on Monday and she had been starting to feel better after a very long and difficult night. I had run up-stairs for a quick laundry run and upon my return, I spotted Anna Beth. She was laying in her bean-bag chair with her head buried in a bucket. I asked her what she was doing and she informed me that she did not feel good. Sure enough, a few seconds later, that bucket came in handy! She is trained at the age of 2! Good thing for me because at the rate we are going, we are going to be using that bucket alot over the next few years! LOL
Time-Out dated- 12-12-07
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Our Little Angel has recently hooked up with a girls gang at pre-school. LOL We have been having notes sent home in the last month that Anna Beth has not been listening and behaving during class.
On one of her notes, it stated that Anna Beth was playing on her mat during nap time. I asked Anna Beth about it later and this is the story that she told:
Mommy said. "Anna Beth, were you playing during nap time?" "Um yeah, Courtney and I crawled in the hall and Ms. Kristina not know it" stated Anna Beth. "What else did you do? asked Mommy. "I kick my feet on the wall like this!" (with demostration) said Anna Beth. Mommy asked, "Are you supposed to do that?" "No, I get in time-out, I sorry Momma" stated Anna Beth.
Brian and I were very surprised to hear that Anna Beth was getting into trouble at school. While she can be a strong-willed challenge at home, she has never gotten into trouble at school before. After talking with her teacher, I discovered something very interesting. Anna Beth can be a complete angel , however when her friends, Katie and Courtney are at school the 3 of them are always hatching up a new plan. Katie and Courtney are also well behaved when their pose is not in attendance. Apparently all 3 of them are to blame and they all spend alot of time together in time-out.
Anna Beth is now very proud when she manages to stay out of time-out all day. She announces it to us as soon as we walk into the room and always asks to call the other parent that is still at work! LOL
Our Little Angel has recently hooked up with a girls gang at pre-school. LOL We have been having notes sent home in the last month that Anna Beth has not been listening and behaving during class.
On one of her notes, it stated that Anna Beth was playing on her mat during nap time. I asked Anna Beth about it later and this is the story that she told:
Mommy said. "Anna Beth, were you playing during nap time?" "Um yeah, Courtney and I crawled in the hall and Ms. Kristina not know it" stated Anna Beth. "What else did you do? asked Mommy. "I kick my feet on the wall like this!" (with demostration) said Anna Beth. Mommy asked, "Are you supposed to do that?" "No, I get in time-out, I sorry Momma" stated Anna Beth.
Brian and I were very surprised to hear that Anna Beth was getting into trouble at school. While she can be a strong-willed challenge at home, she has never gotten into trouble at school before. After talking with her teacher, I discovered something very interesting. Anna Beth can be a complete angel , however when her friends, Katie and Courtney are at school the 3 of them are always hatching up a new plan. Katie and Courtney are also well behaved when their pose is not in attendance. Apparently all 3 of them are to blame and they all spend alot of time together in time-out.
Anna Beth is now very proud when she manages to stay out of time-out all day. She announces it to us as soon as we walk into the room and always asks to call the other parent that is still at work! LOL
Lesson From Overalls dated- 2-11-08
Monday, February 11, 2008
The lip stick is loose!
Anna Beth has been into everything lately! There are not enough places to put things out of her reach so we are always catching her in something.
Anna Beth loves to get into my make-up and lately she has been relentless in her quests to find where Mommy has stashed it next. Super Bowl sunday, Brian and I were upstairs getting ready to go our Sunday School's Super Bowl party when I headed downstairs to check on the girl. I found her elbow deep in my make-up bag. She had smeared an entire tube of expensive lip stick into the rug and all over some of her toys. She had also broken up a brand new blush and crushed that into the carpet as well.
I was very calm as I screamed for Brian to get downstairs. Brian knew Anna Beth was in trouble before he ever hit the first stair. Neither one of us touched her because we were too mad but Brian had a little talk with her while Mommy cleaned up the mess and then we all headed up stairs to get ready to go. I marched into Anna Beth's room and grabbed her denium overalls. She has developed a fashion sense and has decided that overalls are very ugly! As I walked back into my room carrying the overalls, Anna Beth collapsed on the floor in tears because she realized that Mommy was still mad and her punishment was to wear those aweful overalls! LOL (She actually looks very cute in them)
After struggling with her for half an hour, I finally managed to get her in the overalls and she calmed down. She did not say another word about her attire the rest of the nite except when we walked back in the door that nite. The first thing she asked for was to remove her overalls! Everytime she has reached for my make-up since then, I head for the overalls and she puts it down.
The lip stick is loose!
Anna Beth has been into everything lately! There are not enough places to put things out of her reach so we are always catching her in something.
Anna Beth loves to get into my make-up and lately she has been relentless in her quests to find where Mommy has stashed it next. Super Bowl sunday, Brian and I were upstairs getting ready to go our Sunday School's Super Bowl party when I headed downstairs to check on the girl. I found her elbow deep in my make-up bag. She had smeared an entire tube of expensive lip stick into the rug and all over some of her toys. She had also broken up a brand new blush and crushed that into the carpet as well.
I was very calm as I screamed for Brian to get downstairs. Brian knew Anna Beth was in trouble before he ever hit the first stair. Neither one of us touched her because we were too mad but Brian had a little talk with her while Mommy cleaned up the mess and then we all headed up stairs to get ready to go. I marched into Anna Beth's room and grabbed her denium overalls. She has developed a fashion sense and has decided that overalls are very ugly! As I walked back into my room carrying the overalls, Anna Beth collapsed on the floor in tears because she realized that Mommy was still mad and her punishment was to wear those aweful overalls! LOL (She actually looks very cute in them)
After struggling with her for half an hour, I finally managed to get her in the overalls and she calmed down. She did not say another word about her attire the rest of the nite except when we walked back in the door that nite. The first thing she asked for was to remove her overalls! Everytime she has reached for my make-up since then, I head for the overalls and she puts it down.
It Is Snowing Inside dated- 2-11-08
Monday, February 11, 2008
It is snowing inside...
On saturday, Brian was at his UPwards basketball game so Anna Beth and I had a morning of beauty treatments. This included a bath with every bath toy she owns, that lasted for 45 minutes and mommy was ice cold by the time that we got out. After the bath, we did the lotion and then I rolled her hair in sponge rollers.
While I was trying to scrub some of the soap crayons off of the bathtub, Anna Beth headed downstairs. I was not sure what she was up to but I soon found out. She arrived back in her room where I found her dumping baby powder in her shoes. (Mommy does this to keep her shoes from getting so sweaty without socks) I did not think much about her trip downstairs and was not real worried about the small bit of powder that was resting on the carpet in her room.
Anna Beth and I finished getting dressed and ready for our lunch with the family. I headed down the stairs to get the house ready for the day and noticed on my way down that there were powder handprints on the wall, all the way down the stairs. As I continued to descend I discovered that there were small powder footprints as well. At this point my pace down the stairs began to quicken. As I landed in the entry way I found it. My entry way was covered in baby powder! It looked like it was snowing inside. LOL I sat down on the stairs and laughed until I had tears running down my face.
Brian called a little later and I warned him about the disaster that awaited. He arrived home a little later and just shook his head and smiled. I swept for half an hour but that powder is still there!
It is snowing inside...
On saturday, Brian was at his UPwards basketball game so Anna Beth and I had a morning of beauty treatments. This included a bath with every bath toy she owns, that lasted for 45 minutes and mommy was ice cold by the time that we got out. After the bath, we did the lotion and then I rolled her hair in sponge rollers.
While I was trying to scrub some of the soap crayons off of the bathtub, Anna Beth headed downstairs. I was not sure what she was up to but I soon found out. She arrived back in her room where I found her dumping baby powder in her shoes. (Mommy does this to keep her shoes from getting so sweaty without socks) I did not think much about her trip downstairs and was not real worried about the small bit of powder that was resting on the carpet in her room.
Anna Beth and I finished getting dressed and ready for our lunch with the family. I headed down the stairs to get the house ready for the day and noticed on my way down that there were powder handprints on the wall, all the way down the stairs. As I continued to descend I discovered that there were small powder footprints as well. At this point my pace down the stairs began to quicken. As I landed in the entry way I found it. My entry way was covered in baby powder! It looked like it was snowing inside. LOL I sat down on the stairs and laughed until I had tears running down my face.
Brian called a little later and I warned him about the disaster that awaited. He arrived home a little later and just shook his head and smiled. I swept for half an hour but that powder is still there!
Sleeping In the Rain dated -2-11-09
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sleeping in the rain...
I gave Anna Beth a bath the other day not long before Daddy was to arrive home. As always, Anna Beth dragged it out as long as she could and still refused to get out. After a few minutes of tears and negotations (she had no nap that day) I gave up and emptied the tub. Anna Beth would just not budge! At this point, I was running out of time and needed a shower myself so I just turned the shower on and stepped over her. She continued to lay in the bottom of the tub while I finished my shower and got out. I checked on her every couple of minutes and after a few I found her sound asleep in the bottom of the tub with the water hitting her on the back. I left her to sleep as she was in no danger of drowning and grabbed the camera. She slept for 20 minutes before finally waking up! She looked so sweet that I sat down beside the tub and just watched her sleep. I have to cherish those moments as she loves to push my buttons while awake! LOL
I have pictures of her asleep in the shower posted.
Sleeping in the rain...
I gave Anna Beth a bath the other day not long before Daddy was to arrive home. As always, Anna Beth dragged it out as long as she could and still refused to get out. After a few minutes of tears and negotations (she had no nap that day) I gave up and emptied the tub. Anna Beth would just not budge! At this point, I was running out of time and needed a shower myself so I just turned the shower on and stepped over her. She continued to lay in the bottom of the tub while I finished my shower and got out. I checked on her every couple of minutes and after a few I found her sound asleep in the bottom of the tub with the water hitting her on the back. I left her to sleep as she was in no danger of drowning and grabbed the camera. She slept for 20 minutes before finally waking up! She looked so sweet that I sat down beside the tub and just watched her sleep. I have to cherish those moments as she loves to push my buttons while awake! LOL
I have pictures of her asleep in the shower posted.
Bragging Rights dated- 2-11-08
Monday, February 11, 2008
Bragging Rights
I know that this will sound cheezy but I just have to brag on my husband for a little while. I have to thank his mother for raising him to be such a sweet and sensitive man. Brian never cease to amaze me with his sweet and thoughful ways.
Our 4th anniversery was on the 24th of January and I awoke to find a red velvet bag on the pillow next to me. Delighted and intriged, I reached inside to discover a message in a bottle. The bottle contained dried rose petals and a parchment paper message. I read the poem that was inside and thought is was so very sweet. As I scanned the bottom of the page I noticed that it was dated Jan 24th and I questioned Brian on it. He told me that he went to a web site where you can choose from a variety of messages or write one yourself. As I realized that Brian had written this himself tears welled up in my eyes and a sense of gratefulness overwhelmed me.
How blessed am I among women to have a husband lke mine. His gifts are given with great thought and deep love. He is respected by his peers at work and church. He invests himself in the lives of others. He prays over our family daily. He stares at our daughter in amazement and with love in his eyes. He protects my heart and handles it with kid gloves. I am a woman cherished, loved and most of all respected by the man that I love most in the world.... my husband!
Bragging Rights
I know that this will sound cheezy but I just have to brag on my husband for a little while. I have to thank his mother for raising him to be such a sweet and sensitive man. Brian never cease to amaze me with his sweet and thoughful ways.
Our 4th anniversery was on the 24th of January and I awoke to find a red velvet bag on the pillow next to me. Delighted and intriged, I reached inside to discover a message in a bottle. The bottle contained dried rose petals and a parchment paper message. I read the poem that was inside and thought is was so very sweet. As I scanned the bottom of the page I noticed that it was dated Jan 24th and I questioned Brian on it. He told me that he went to a web site where you can choose from a variety of messages or write one yourself. As I realized that Brian had written this himself tears welled up in my eyes and a sense of gratefulness overwhelmed me.
How blessed am I among women to have a husband lke mine. His gifts are given with great thought and deep love. He is respected by his peers at work and church. He invests himself in the lives of others. He prays over our family daily. He stares at our daughter in amazement and with love in his eyes. He protects my heart and handles it with kid gloves. I am a woman cherished, loved and most of all respected by the man that I love most in the world.... my husband!
For This I am Grateful dated- 2-27-08
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
For this I am grateful...
When my child...
smears ketchup all over her toys...
sits on the cat...
smears blue yogart all over her body...
colors my entire tub purple...
"helps" me in the kitchen and causes more work...
"plays" on the computer and deletes an afternoon of work...
tells me, "Momma, you know better than that"...
drags the cat around by her tail...
screams for an hour and 15 minutes solid because she does not want to go to bed...
rubs lotion all over the TV screen...
empties the entire contents of her dresser...
unfolds 2 loads of clothes that I had just folded...
pulls her bows out about 2 seconds after I have put them in...
crushes playdough in the carpet...
tells me, "The water in my kitchen does not work because it needs batteries"... (play kitchen)
colors on my bedroom walls with a sharpie...
tries to "feed" the fish" with her lunch...
drives me to the point of locking myself in my room and calling Brian...
I am grateful! I am grateful because God gave me a child full of spirit. A child given to the two of us to raise up as a Proverbs 31 woman. A little girl with a mind of her own and determination in her heart. In the moment I do not always choose gratefulness. When I look in her sleeping face every night I realize that God gave me a child that will always challenge me in my walk with my Father. A little girl that drives me to my knees out of concern for her spiritual growth, character and my own sanity. There was a time in my life that I believed I would never have a family of my own and now I am blessed beyond measure. Oh, yes! I am a very grateful woman to have the honor of raising one very special girl.
PS: I do actually watch her, and if you doubt me, I will be happy to loan her out for awhile! LOL
For this I am grateful...
When my child...
smears ketchup all over her toys...
sits on the cat...
smears blue yogart all over her body...
colors my entire tub purple...
"helps" me in the kitchen and causes more work...
"plays" on the computer and deletes an afternoon of work...
tells me, "Momma, you know better than that"...
drags the cat around by her tail...
screams for an hour and 15 minutes solid because she does not want to go to bed...
rubs lotion all over the TV screen...
empties the entire contents of her dresser...
unfolds 2 loads of clothes that I had just folded...
pulls her bows out about 2 seconds after I have put them in...
crushes playdough in the carpet...
tells me, "The water in my kitchen does not work because it needs batteries"... (play kitchen)
colors on my bedroom walls with a sharpie...
tries to "feed" the fish" with her lunch...
drives me to the point of locking myself in my room and calling Brian...
I am grateful! I am grateful because God gave me a child full of spirit. A child given to the two of us to raise up as a Proverbs 31 woman. A little girl with a mind of her own and determination in her heart. In the moment I do not always choose gratefulness. When I look in her sleeping face every night I realize that God gave me a child that will always challenge me in my walk with my Father. A little girl that drives me to my knees out of concern for her spiritual growth, character and my own sanity. There was a time in my life that I believed I would never have a family of my own and now I am blessed beyond measure. Oh, yes! I am a very grateful woman to have the honor of raising one very special girl.
PS: I do actually watch her, and if you doubt me, I will be happy to loan her out for awhile! LOL
Potty Training dated- 3-3-08
Monday, March 03, 2008
Potty it possible?
This morning dawned bright and clear with great expectations of the day ahead. You see, this is the day that my little Anna Beth was going to wear big girl panties to school for the first time. We worked very hard to pick out the perfect pair and spent alot of time talking it up as we prepared for our day. We finally hit the door after a couple of cute pictures to remember the moment and then strapped ourselves into the car. Off the 3 of us went to deliver our very big little girl to pre-school. On the way there there was happy chatter until my very big little girl revealed that she had gone potty in her panties! Anna Beth and her car seat were soaked and Mommy was frustrated! Instead of our triumphant march into school we marched to the room in a wet soggy mess. Mommy tried to be patient but was not very successful while Daddy was laughing quietly in the corner. Anna Beth tried very hard to be very sweet to make up for her infraction and in the end we all left each other with hugs and kisses. We will try again on Wednesday and hope for the best!
Potty it possible?
This morning dawned bright and clear with great expectations of the day ahead. You see, this is the day that my little Anna Beth was going to wear big girl panties to school for the first time. We worked very hard to pick out the perfect pair and spent alot of time talking it up as we prepared for our day. We finally hit the door after a couple of cute pictures to remember the moment and then strapped ourselves into the car. Off the 3 of us went to deliver our very big little girl to pre-school. On the way there there was happy chatter until my very big little girl revealed that she had gone potty in her panties! Anna Beth and her car seat were soaked and Mommy was frustrated! Instead of our triumphant march into school we marched to the room in a wet soggy mess. Mommy tried to be patient but was not very successful while Daddy was laughing quietly in the corner. Anna Beth tried very hard to be very sweet to make up for her infraction and in the end we all left each other with hugs and kisses. We will try again on Wednesday and hope for the best!
Bottle Of Glue On the Carpet dated- 3-4-08
This has been one of those hard days with Anna Beth. I have been working hard on my day off to prepare things for her birthday party on Saturday and Anna Beth has done everything in her power to destroy the house.
Everywhere that she has gone today, there has been disaster in her wake! I readied a box of toys that the child has not played with in a year to go up to the attic. She promptly emptied the entire box while I had moved on to another room. I went downstairs to clean up down there and after I left the living room, she opened all of her DVD's and scattered them on the floor. I put stuff in the closet and she took it out. I baked her birthday cake and she screamed because she did not get to help. I washed the spoon and she screamed because she did not get to lick it. She got into the closet and emptied an entire bottle of glue onto my carpet and a TV tray.
I am so tired of getting on to her, putting her in timeout, taking stuff away, yelling at her. Today I need a break from being, "Mommy!" I am embarrased to say it because we are supposed to be patient in every situation but I am just tired of dealing with a 3 year old's drama! I litterally had to put her to bed and let her know that, "Mommy was going to her room to calm down." Then I lay on the bed and cried. I know that His grace is sufficient, but today, I am just not feeling
Everywhere that she has gone today, there has been disaster in her wake! I readied a box of toys that the child has not played with in a year to go up to the attic. She promptly emptied the entire box while I had moved on to another room. I went downstairs to clean up down there and after I left the living room, she opened all of her DVD's and scattered them on the floor. I put stuff in the closet and she took it out. I baked her birthday cake and she screamed because she did not get to help. I washed the spoon and she screamed because she did not get to lick it. She got into the closet and emptied an entire bottle of glue onto my carpet and a TV tray.
I am so tired of getting on to her, putting her in timeout, taking stuff away, yelling at her. Today I need a break from being, "Mommy!" I am embarrased to say it because we are supposed to be patient in every situation but I am just tired of dealing with a 3 year old's drama! I litterally had to put her to bed and let her know that, "Mommy was going to her room to calm down." Then I lay on the bed and cried. I know that His grace is sufficient, but today, I am just not feeling
Day Of Sucess! Dated 3-5-08
Day of Success!
Anna Beth is offically 3 years old today!
She was confused all day because she knew that her party was not today and she was afraid that we were going to take her birthday cake to school instead of having her party. She argued with us and teacher's alike that it was not her birthday! LOL
For her birthday she reached another mile stone. She stayed in big girl panties all day at school. What a wonderful way to top off a birthday! We are so proud of her and look forward to losing the pull-ups all together over the next few months!
Anna Beth is offically 3 years old today!
She was confused all day because she knew that her party was not today and she was afraid that we were going to take her birthday cake to school instead of having her party. She argued with us and teacher's alike that it was not her birthday! LOL
For her birthday she reached another mile stone. She stayed in big girl panties all day at school. What a wonderful way to top off a birthday! We are so proud of her and look forward to losing the pull-ups all together over the next few months!
Out Of Her Mouth dated-4-4-09
Friday, April 04, 2008
Out of her mouth...
I have listed a few things that have come out of Anna Beth’s mouth in the last week or so. They are too funny not to share so here you go!
What’s your problem?
How’d that happen?
Let me think...
Ridem cowboy, go horsey!
You have a nice day Mommy? You have fun today?
Hey, you don’t do that! Ughhhh! (this is usually with arm gestures)
I’m pretty, uh-huh!
Ok, what you want to eat?
Shrek go potty, that’s nasty!
Daddy need to go night-night.
I sooo tired...
Daddy, you want some hot tea or orange juice?
I love you so much Boots!
Boots! You not scratch Mommy’s couch, that’s no!
I love my friends. Yeah, cause they love me too! Yeah...
I want..... How’s that sound?
You stay out here Daddy, I’m tired of your games!
Out of her mouth...
I have listed a few things that have come out of Anna Beth’s mouth in the last week or so. They are too funny not to share so here you go!
What’s your problem?
How’d that happen?
Let me think...
Ridem cowboy, go horsey!
You have a nice day Mommy? You have fun today?
Hey, you don’t do that! Ughhhh! (this is usually with arm gestures)
I’m pretty, uh-huh!
Ok, what you want to eat?
Shrek go potty, that’s nasty!
Daddy need to go night-night.
I sooo tired...
Daddy, you want some hot tea or orange juice?
I love you so much Boots!
Boots! You not scratch Mommy’s couch, that’s no!
I love my friends. Yeah, cause they love me too! Yeah...
I want..... How’s that sound?
You stay out here Daddy, I’m tired of your games!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Lessons in the Tub
I have just recently started back full-time, albeit temporarily, while my co-worker is on maternity leave. This has been a real adjustment for our little family as I have not worked full-time in 4 years and Anna Beth has always had mommy home 2 days a week. In the process, I have discovered something very special.
Anna Beth and I had gotten in a rut lately. I have projects going on around the house constantly since we moved in and there never seems to be an end to the painting, unpacking, and the regular cleaning and cooking. The reason Brian and I made the priority of me working 30 hours, 3 days a week had gone by the way-side... our girl! Those special days of crafts and cooking and learning had become a lower priority and were justified by all the "things" that needed to be done.
Since I just started back I have worked harder at listening when she talks and answering her crazy questions. As many stay at home moms know, their voices can at times feel more like a burden than a blessing. I have discovered ways to make those ordinary moments special... like the bathtub. Tonight my girl was in rare form and was full of dramatics. Every sentence out of her mouth was funny and emphasised with hand gestures. (she got this from her mommy) Anna Beth has a thirst for knowledge and it can be a challenge to find things to teach her off the cuff. Tonight bath-time started out with the usual banter and I decided to take the opportunity to talk about the 5 senses. She caught on quickly and understood how God gave us the 5 senses so we can appreciate the world that He created for us. From there we moved to opposites such as, "if you are hot, then you must not be... cold!" Next came the shapes around the bathroom and we ended with our review of our phone number and how to spell her full name. By the end, I was tired and had a renewed appreciation for Anna Beth's personality and discovery of everything around her.
While, there are still some parts of her attitude I could live without, this time has made me grateful for how special she is once again. Even the attitude, I have found ways to delight in. Just for instance, tonight, she was begging for a snack before dinner and I refused to cave. She actually came out and said, "You have got to be kidding me, daddy lets me have one before dinner!" While I did not appreciate the tone behind it, her speech was delightful! LOL Anna Beth has also recently become fascinated with using, "Mommy, did you know...?" before every sentence. I also over-heard her saying to daddy, "Mommy is over there but you cannot see her because her is short and her face can't stick up"
All this to say, while I will be grateful for the time when I can return to my old schedule, I am grateful for the reminder from God that it is not just about the time that you spend with them, but also how you use the time. Those family dinners around the table are to discover how each others emotions have affected their day. Clean up time is about teaching responsibility. Cuddle time is about affirming the love for each other. Story time is about growing the imagination. Bible is about training her to be a Godly woman that seeks God's heart before her own and last but not least... prayer time to to understand where our hearts are at the moment.
Anna Beth and I had gotten in a rut lately. I have projects going on around the house constantly since we moved in and there never seems to be an end to the painting, unpacking, and the regular cleaning and cooking. The reason Brian and I made the priority of me working 30 hours, 3 days a week had gone by the way-side... our girl! Those special days of crafts and cooking and learning had become a lower priority and were justified by all the "things" that needed to be done.
Since I just started back I have worked harder at listening when she talks and answering her crazy questions. As many stay at home moms know, their voices can at times feel more like a burden than a blessing. I have discovered ways to make those ordinary moments special... like the bathtub. Tonight my girl was in rare form and was full of dramatics. Every sentence out of her mouth was funny and emphasised with hand gestures. (she got this from her mommy) Anna Beth has a thirst for knowledge and it can be a challenge to find things to teach her off the cuff. Tonight bath-time started out with the usual banter and I decided to take the opportunity to talk about the 5 senses. She caught on quickly and understood how God gave us the 5 senses so we can appreciate the world that He created for us. From there we moved to opposites such as, "if you are hot, then you must not be... cold!" Next came the shapes around the bathroom and we ended with our review of our phone number and how to spell her full name. By the end, I was tired and had a renewed appreciation for Anna Beth's personality and discovery of everything around her.
While, there are still some parts of her attitude I could live without, this time has made me grateful for how special she is once again. Even the attitude, I have found ways to delight in. Just for instance, tonight, she was begging for a snack before dinner and I refused to cave. She actually came out and said, "You have got to be kidding me, daddy lets me have one before dinner!" While I did not appreciate the tone behind it, her speech was delightful! LOL Anna Beth has also recently become fascinated with using, "Mommy, did you know...?" before every sentence. I also over-heard her saying to daddy, "Mommy is over there but you cannot see her because her is short and her face can't stick up"
All this to say, while I will be grateful for the time when I can return to my old schedule, I am grateful for the reminder from God that it is not just about the time that you spend with them, but also how you use the time. Those family dinners around the table are to discover how each others emotions have affected their day. Clean up time is about teaching responsibility. Cuddle time is about affirming the love for each other. Story time is about growing the imagination. Bible is about training her to be a Godly woman that seeks God's heart before her own and last but not least... prayer time to to understand where our hearts are at the moment.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
"There is a strange dog in my car"
So I just wanted to share another day in the life of Jenny... it is a little unbelievable but then if there is a weird story to tell, I am usually involved!
So there I was in my car heading home from the dreaded 2 hour trip to Walmart. I turn on my street and am thinking about all the groceries I am going to have to put up when I realize there is a large dog sitting in the middle of the road. I stop right in front of it and blow my horn... nothing, Blow again... nothing. This goes on for about 2 minutes when I give up and open the door. He sat there until I almost got to him and then he circled the car with me in tow (because I realized that he was hurt). We round the car and he jumps into my seat and climbs over to the passenger side. I realized at this point that he was dripping blood all over my seats. What do I do? I tried to get him out and even flagged down another car and ask for the police dept's number. They have someone on the phone already and they have the other person look up the phone number for me. I call the number and as I am dialing, I wonder... what am I going to say?
I am watching the dog closely as I have my 3 year old in the back seat and the dog turns around and faces me. Holy Cow, I realized at that point that I had a bloody, hurt, pit bull sitting in the front seat of my car! So there I was, on the phone with the police, trying to untangle Anna Beth from her car seat and wondering how in the world I was going to get myself out of this one. I closed the doors and left that pit bull in my warm, running car with all my groceries! The dog then climbed into the backseat and sat down in my child's car seat. Nasty!
A gentleman drove past and asked what was going on and he pulled over when I told him the story. He walked over to the car and confirmed that indeed that was a pit bull and offered to let Anna Beth sit in his car. Thankfully a police officer and his partner drove past at that moment and pulled over to help. They were very kind and called Animal Control and prepared to direct traffic around our stranded car with the dog as pretty as you please resting in Anna Beth's car seat. At some point, we realized that Animal Control was not coming and they made another call. Anna Beth had to go to the bathroom and I was another 1/2 mile from the house with my keys trapped in the running car. I grabbed Anna Beth out of the back of the police car and headed into the woods. She is not very good at going in the great outdoors and tried to stand up while she was still going.
So here I sat in the back of the police car, a wet child, my car running out of gas and $200 worth of groceries going to pot just because I had opened the door to a strange dog! After 2 hours of this ordeal, I was able to stick my child in her bloody car seat and drive home to put away my groceries. It has been a long and frustrating day but hopefully the dog will be ok and all will not be lost!
So there I was in my car heading home from the dreaded 2 hour trip to Walmart. I turn on my street and am thinking about all the groceries I am going to have to put up when I realize there is a large dog sitting in the middle of the road. I stop right in front of it and blow my horn... nothing, Blow again... nothing. This goes on for about 2 minutes when I give up and open the door. He sat there until I almost got to him and then he circled the car with me in tow (because I realized that he was hurt). We round the car and he jumps into my seat and climbs over to the passenger side. I realized at this point that he was dripping blood all over my seats. What do I do? I tried to get him out and even flagged down another car and ask for the police dept's number. They have someone on the phone already and they have the other person look up the phone number for me. I call the number and as I am dialing, I wonder... what am I going to say?
I am watching the dog closely as I have my 3 year old in the back seat and the dog turns around and faces me. Holy Cow, I realized at that point that I had a bloody, hurt, pit bull sitting in the front seat of my car! So there I was, on the phone with the police, trying to untangle Anna Beth from her car seat and wondering how in the world I was going to get myself out of this one. I closed the doors and left that pit bull in my warm, running car with all my groceries! The dog then climbed into the backseat and sat down in my child's car seat. Nasty!
A gentleman drove past and asked what was going on and he pulled over when I told him the story. He walked over to the car and confirmed that indeed that was a pit bull and offered to let Anna Beth sit in his car. Thankfully a police officer and his partner drove past at that moment and pulled over to help. They were very kind and called Animal Control and prepared to direct traffic around our stranded car with the dog as pretty as you please resting in Anna Beth's car seat. At some point, we realized that Animal Control was not coming and they made another call. Anna Beth had to go to the bathroom and I was another 1/2 mile from the house with my keys trapped in the running car. I grabbed Anna Beth out of the back of the police car and headed into the woods. She is not very good at going in the great outdoors and tried to stand up while she was still going.
So here I sat in the back of the police car, a wet child, my car running out of gas and $200 worth of groceries going to pot just because I had opened the door to a strange dog! After 2 hours of this ordeal, I was able to stick my child in her bloody car seat and drive home to put away my groceries. It has been a long and frustrating day but hopefully the dog will be ok and all will not be lost!
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