Friday, March 14, 2014

Life Is Hard Ya'll!

I'm not kidding! The last few weeks have been overwhelming with commitments. Work has been, sit in your seat for 10 hours straight with no lunch break kind of hard. The kind of hard that requires Brian and I to rearrange our schedules at 4:30 so I can stay and work till 8 at night kind of hard. Then there is coming home to this... because the dishwasher broke this week. And then there is this.... because we have been working on AB's pinewood derby car for her race tomorrow. There is staying up late to wash towels because if I don't we will be drying ourselves off with hand towels and wash cloths.

On top of the day to day my girl turned 9 yrs. old and we always pull her out of school on her birthday to spend the day with her doing something fun. She chose...wait for lining. UGH! Have I mentioned before that I am terrified of heights?!!! Like I have to close my eyes as Brian drives over tall bridges kind of scared. I'm not going to lie, I might have shed a few tears when I stepped off the last 2 platforms. But I did it because it was important to her!

At some point, I also agreed to have 14 girls over for a sleepover! Yeah, I have lost my mind!
There is also a really good chance that the decorations from that sleepover last weekend are still hanging up and the giant bed is still in the middle of my living room floor.

Then there is the church nursery/preschool schedule, paperwork , emails and expectations that I need to keep up with. I have also had the brilliant idea to start a Pampered Chef business. It is all good stuff but I am tired ya'll. Not just a little tired but like ugly cry tired!

All that to say that as tired as I have been, it has been easy to let my guard down. One day this week, I stayed mad ALL day! The hurt that I felt was valid but my attitude was not. I spent 24 hours focused on the person that hurt me rather than the Lord. While I sat at my desk the next morning, preparing to fester for another day, I realized that I had taken my eyes off God and had put them on the pain. I wanted to be ANGRY! But I realized that my attitude was interfering with my WALK. I sat there confessing my sin and asking for a new perspective. God, in His mercy and grace, loved me right where I was at and gently carried me the rest of the day. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the injustices of my life and I miss moments like this..... Two hours at Chili's listening to my girl's heart and hurts. What a blessing that was to encourage and love on her. I am grateful that God chases me and my mess all over Tennessee!

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