"Anna Beth, stop straightening the grocery carts and let's go!"
"So let me get this straight, You emailed your teacher and asked her to send you more homework?"
"Stop turning all the cans the same direction, Mommy needs to get the shopping done so we can get home."
"Mom, I'm going to keep a list of all the things that I take in my back-pack everyday so I can make sure I bring it home."
"Mom, do you know where my label maker is?"
"AB, just erase it, you don't have to start the whole page all over." "But it looks messy!" she says with tears in her eyes.
Violin Practice..."I just want to quit cause I can't do it right!" (Tears rolling down her cheeks and 5 minutes later she plays 3 measures perfectly.
"You know how I'm a slow learner?" (She has been on the honor roll all year)
"Mom, you did not put the brush back in the drawer"
"Mom, can I organize my closet?
Conversation with AB about boys...
AB: "Do you remember Austin?"
ME: "Austin who?"
AB: "You know...AUSTIN!"
ME: Oh...the Austin you like?"
AB: "Yes! Well Anna (her friend) and I were playing and she walked over to Austin, yes there are 3 Austin's at our school. There is THE Austin, his best friend Austin and then there is the Austin that I was in Kindergarten with.
ME: (nodding like I had a clue)
AB: "Well Anna went over to Austin (the best friend) and asked him if THE Austin liked anybody but he said no. Then Anna went back a few minutes later and asked Austin (the best friend) again if THE Austin really did like someone. Don't worry, Anna is already dating somebody so she was not trying to find out for herself."
Me: (totally relieved over this fact...Bawhahahhaaaa)
AB: "Well Austin (the best friend) said not to tell anyone but THE Austin really likes me!"
ME: "Interesting..."
AB: "Yeah and he has been walking around the edge of the playground pretending to read a book but he has been staring at me."
ME: "Dating is not really something that you need to be doing in 3rd grade."
AB: "It's ok Mom, I'm not just going to date anybody...I'm waiting for HIM!"
ME: (insert long lecture on dating here)
Fun Fact: Daddy made sure that he met THE Austin one day when he picked AB up from school.