This is Anna Beth…yes, she is complicated.
She is my heart walking outside my body. She is a miniature adult…seriously, you have no idea how many people have told me this. From teachers, to principals, to peeps on the street. She is not the child I expected her to be….she is better but Oh sooo complicated. Raising her has been the single hardest thing Brian and I have ever done in our entire lives.
From birth, this child has challenged and pushed the boundries of what I understood about kids. I used to be a Children’s minister. I had worked with kids for 20 years before I had her and I have never met another kid like her.
For years Brian and I, as well as the rest of the family showered her with toys. She HATES getting toys! The only thing that toys do for her is to satisfy her need to organize. We now buy her folders, desk organization tools, label maker, markers and notebooks instead.
Anna Beth does not have a typical imagination. She HATES princesses, and as a little one, would look at you dumb-founded if you tried to pretend a baby doll was real. If we tried to get her to name her stuffed animals or babies, all we would get is…”Doll…it is a doll!” She would rather be catching frogs and then googling facts on different types of them then having a tea party. Last Saturday, she was so excited because daddy sat down with her and helped her create a power point on the different phases of the moon. I.AM.SO.NOT.KIDDING! This was not required school work, she just wanted to do a report because it is fun. #facepalm
Friends…this one is hard and has become the source of many tears in the last couple of years. As I said before, Anna Beth does not PLAY, she ORGANIZES. She typically only talks to adults or kids younger than herself. The reason for this is, she always leads. Not because she feels the need to, but because she cannot stand for there to be no structure to playtime. This can often cause conflict. I have picked her up from aftercare and seen her at the front of the line, at the tire swing. Not actually swinging herself but organizing the play. She keeps time and tells others when to get on and off so that everyone can have a turn. It is her way of protecting the kids that get left out. I have driven up recently and seen her sitting in a chair with 6 smaller kids sitting on the ground around her. She was ‘teaching” them about how to help a tree grown healthy and strong.
Her peers just don’t know what to do with her. Being with her, is like being with another adult and they want to PLAY. AB’s goal is to protect all the ones getting left out or picked on. To make sure everyone is playing fair. Their goal is to play like typical kids. If you have ever sent your kiddo to a sleepover or play date at my house. They will be busy the entire time. I plan structured activities for the entire time. I am always there and involved in the play time. The reason? So Anna Beth and her friend can play on an equal level and not feel like she has to organize the play time.
Many conversations have taken place of late about who she is as a person. She notices when she does not get invited to birthday parties. When she gets left out of play groups. When girls tend to avoid her. In all of her LEADING, she is still incredibly sensitive and is devastated when she thinks she has offended someone. This is when parenting Anna Beth gets really hard. To explain to a 9 year old girl that God made her perfect, just the way she is. BUT with her personality, there are, at times, conflict with what the world expects from her. That right now, it will be hard for her to make friends. That she will get yelled at, pushed away and hurt. That sometimes, people’s perception of who she is, is different than the reality. For now, as her parents, we just encourage her to continue being who she is. To not allow the pain she experiences, change the way she responds to the world. We have to let her know, that right now, growing up for the next few years, will be incredibly tough. BUT someday, what others see as weaknesses, they will then see as her strengths.
As her parents, we fight for her to be understood with adults in authority over her. We are sooo grateful when we find the few that pay attention and GET her. They find ways to encourage her and play to her strengths. They come alongside us and helps us guide her in learning how to converse with her peers. We work to teach her how to love people just as they are rather than her forcing them to follow the rules. We help her to understand that the world is NOT fair and there will always be some that get left behind. That God has given her the gift of a sensitive heart to love them and reach out to them when others would not.
She is not perfect but she is oh sooo gentle and kind. She loves to please and don’t get me started on the pain of her drive for perfection! She once told me that she LOVES special needs kids. When asking her why she responded with, “Momma, they are so smart, just a different kind of smart.” Right now, her goal is to be a special needs teacher and personally, I think she would be fantastic at it. I am sure we will change careers several times before she actually gets to college. She is loyal to the point of being willing to get hurt to prove herself a person of her word. She hates to get others in trouble. She is passionate about life and there is always music playing in her head. (she gets that one from daddy) She loves to give hugs and never meets someone she does not like until they break her heart.
My girl is complicated and she has broken the mold as to what I THOUGHT a kid should be. She changed the way I thought parenting was to be done. I look into her face and I see the world differently. She has taught me much about actually looking at people’s hearts and their intent rather than my perception of them. God shook up my world when He entrusted her to us. I am not anxious to see where God will use her one day because I am content watching who she is now. She has turned me into a warrior when needed and a weeping mess when she is hurt. I love her so very much and am grateful to be her momma!
Friday, September 26, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Birth Pains of Adoption
It has been 2 years since we started the process of adoption and it really is stacks of paperwork, phone calls, running over to this place for fingerprinting, running to the vet for shot records, running to get physicals, filling out questionnaires, saving money, etc.. BUT if you asked me what the hardest part of the adoption process is, I would say…waiting. Every other part of the process has a beginning and an end. Waiting is a painful journey that is filled with questioning God’s calling, filled with tears, filled with prayer and God stretching your faith.
We have had a few opportunities to pursue a child but none of them have ever really gotten off the ground until recently. A couple of months ago, we were contacted by our adoption agency about a little boy. I am going to admit it…I immediately fell in love with him. He was exactly what I had pictured God bringing into our family. It was complicated but not impossible. The little boy was being placed by another agency but had reached out to our agency as a partner, trying to find him the perfect family. He had some medical issues and the legal fees to adopt him rivaled that of an international adoption. But we felt God leading. We had his medical records reviewed by a doctor that specialized in adoptions and she told us of his serious issues. We contacted our local pediatrician that would be treating him so they could be prepared. We shared the news with Anna Beth, we started talking about decorating his room, Anna Beth daydreamed about reading him books, and we researched child care. Everything we were hearing back from the agency was very positive and we were the only family that wanted this little guy. The agency’s lawyer began drawing up paperwork to file the petition…
Then suddenly everything went wrong. Email after email, the situation grew more complicated and impossible. The costs grew greater and the chances of having him placed in our home started to grow dim. We finally received an email asking us to make a decision. It was painful…I have still not stopped grieving. Brian and I labored in prayer together and felt it was time to walk away. I felt like my heart was being ripped out. I laid in Brian’s arms and cried. I cried on the way to work and on the way home. We both had a complete peace about our decision but it still feels like I abandoned my child. I still look at his picture and pray that God will put someone in his path and that will teach him about the Lord. I pray for his protection. Though I never physically touched him, my life was changed.
Adoption is not a passing fancy. It is not something that just “seems like a good idea.” It grows in your heart and gets a death grip on you till you pursue it with abandon. It is a passion that God places in your family. This is not just about my desires, this is also about Brian’s and Anna Beth’s. My family is all in…Heart, head and sacrifice. Do you have any idea what it is like to tell a 9 year old girl that her dream of a specific sibling is gone? Her heart broke too.
God did not disappear and our trust in Him is not broken. Our faith in His calling is not shaken. We are going deeper with Him as we pray together as a family for our waiting child. When God does bring that child into our home, there will be no doubt he/she will be loved. There will be no doubt of our dedication to seeing him/her feel loved, accepted and taught about God’s purpose for his/her life. Adoption is a painful and beautiful plan that God created to protect His treasures. It is a perfect physical example of his Salvation plan for us. It is a process in which God has refined us and deepened our walk with Him. The birth pains of adoption are long and arduous but not impossible. Nothing is impossible if God is walking in it!
We have had a few opportunities to pursue a child but none of them have ever really gotten off the ground until recently. A couple of months ago, we were contacted by our adoption agency about a little boy. I am going to admit it…I immediately fell in love with him. He was exactly what I had pictured God bringing into our family. It was complicated but not impossible. The little boy was being placed by another agency but had reached out to our agency as a partner, trying to find him the perfect family. He had some medical issues and the legal fees to adopt him rivaled that of an international adoption. But we felt God leading. We had his medical records reviewed by a doctor that specialized in adoptions and she told us of his serious issues. We contacted our local pediatrician that would be treating him so they could be prepared. We shared the news with Anna Beth, we started talking about decorating his room, Anna Beth daydreamed about reading him books, and we researched child care. Everything we were hearing back from the agency was very positive and we were the only family that wanted this little guy. The agency’s lawyer began drawing up paperwork to file the petition…
Then suddenly everything went wrong. Email after email, the situation grew more complicated and impossible. The costs grew greater and the chances of having him placed in our home started to grow dim. We finally received an email asking us to make a decision. It was painful…I have still not stopped grieving. Brian and I labored in prayer together and felt it was time to walk away. I felt like my heart was being ripped out. I laid in Brian’s arms and cried. I cried on the way to work and on the way home. We both had a complete peace about our decision but it still feels like I abandoned my child. I still look at his picture and pray that God will put someone in his path and that will teach him about the Lord. I pray for his protection. Though I never physically touched him, my life was changed.
Adoption is not a passing fancy. It is not something that just “seems like a good idea.” It grows in your heart and gets a death grip on you till you pursue it with abandon. It is a passion that God places in your family. This is not just about my desires, this is also about Brian’s and Anna Beth’s. My family is all in…Heart, head and sacrifice. Do you have any idea what it is like to tell a 9 year old girl that her dream of a specific sibling is gone? Her heart broke too.
God did not disappear and our trust in Him is not broken. Our faith in His calling is not shaken. We are going deeper with Him as we pray together as a family for our waiting child. When God does bring that child into our home, there will be no doubt he/she will be loved. There will be no doubt of our dedication to seeing him/her feel loved, accepted and taught about God’s purpose for his/her life. Adoption is a painful and beautiful plan that God created to protect His treasures. It is a perfect physical example of his Salvation plan for us. It is a process in which God has refined us and deepened our walk with Him. The birth pains of adoption are long and arduous but not impossible. Nothing is impossible if God is walking in it!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The Husband...
My marriage is one of the few things that I hold as sacred. I am sure that most of you are aware of the amazing man that I married but there are not that many that truly KNOW him. He claims that he is simple and easy to figure out and while that is partially true, he also does not often break out of his shell.
People laugh at our story when they hear it. In 2003 we both logged on to and created a profile. I was 30 yrs. old and practically a spinster, he a 28 yr. old drummer. He did a search on the website for girls 5 feet and under and my profile popped up. There was no picture but he messaged me anyway. He did request a picture pretty early on and I might have ran out, bought a scanner, in the pouring rain, locked myself out of the house and when I finally got in, scanned a glamour shot to him, which he promptly made fun of. Brian is NOT a fan of glamour shots! Four months later we were engaged and were married in 11 months from start to finish. Ten years later, we are still vastly different in our interests but the core values are still the same.
Over the years I have fallen more in love with the man I married. Most of you have seen this guy over the years...
He is strong in his passion for his God and family. He works hard to provide spiritually,mentally, emotionally, and financially for us. He has walked down dark roads with us displaying unwavering faith, unlimited love and steadfast devotion.
When Brian is relaxed and ready for fun you can catch him doing things like this...
The man is hysterical! Seriously! He finds fun in sneaking up on me in the house and scaring the daylights out of me. He dances around the house with the girl in what can only be described as "old white boy trying to get out of the 80's" and it usually has Anna Beth and I giggling till we have tears in our eyes.
Then there is this...
Yes, Shorty McShredd. It is a nod to his youth and he LOVES doing it. Once a year, we make the trek downtown for him to preform in the local Air Guitar competition. I have seen many of your baffled faces when you hear what he does. It is ok, I often have the same look. It is one of shock, admiration and questioning. I have watched him practice his routine and perform for 3 years. Every year, we walk into a place that I would never normally go and let me share with you what I see...The first year, no one knew him but they found him funny and he gained some respect. His performances are vastly different than the competition because he will not do something in the routine that he would not do in front of his daughter. The second year, people recognized him. I started noticing that they treated him with respect and when talking directly to him or I, they would refrain from cussing like a sailor. This third year, he walked in and was greeted warmly, people genuinely happy to see him, giving him hugs, and again showing a level of respect to him that they did not with each other. You see, my husband, in his quiet way, has proven that he is different. He has shown Christ in a place that many Christians would never step. I sat there amazed at what I was witnessing. My man, has become friends with these guys. He lives his life in front of them boldly but quietly. They know he has something they do not. They follow him on FB. They comment on his family and they watch him.
THIS is the man that I love so deeply. The man that leaves notes like this on my steering wheel a couple times a month...
The man that lays in bed reading with our girl each night and praying over her as she falls asleep. The man that puts away the laundry and scrubs the bathrooms when I ask. The man that refuses to go to bed until I go with him every night. The man that emails me every morning when he gets to work and tells me he is praying over me. The same man that prays out loud over us as we are making lunches and getting ready to walk out the door each day. He is not perfect...he is oBsessed with football. He gets grumpy the same as I do but he never stops loving us. He never stops encouraging us in our relationships with God.
I am grateful for the man that God fused my life with. I am proud to walk alongside him, therefore I cherish my marriage. I work hard to be the encouragement he needs. We work daily to serve each other. We learn and grow from the mistakes we make and we make time to talk about life together. Hold that thing God gave you sacred my friends. It is an incredible gift and picture of our relationship with our heavenly Father!
People laugh at our story when they hear it. In 2003 we both logged on to and created a profile. I was 30 yrs. old and practically a spinster, he a 28 yr. old drummer. He did a search on the website for girls 5 feet and under and my profile popped up. There was no picture but he messaged me anyway. He did request a picture pretty early on and I might have ran out, bought a scanner, in the pouring rain, locked myself out of the house and when I finally got in, scanned a glamour shot to him, which he promptly made fun of. Brian is NOT a fan of glamour shots! Four months later we were engaged and were married in 11 months from start to finish. Ten years later, we are still vastly different in our interests but the core values are still the same.
Over the years I have fallen more in love with the man I married. Most of you have seen this guy over the years...
He is strong in his passion for his God and family. He works hard to provide spiritually,mentally, emotionally, and financially for us. He has walked down dark roads with us displaying unwavering faith, unlimited love and steadfast devotion.
When Brian is relaxed and ready for fun you can catch him doing things like this...
The man is hysterical! Seriously! He finds fun in sneaking up on me in the house and scaring the daylights out of me. He dances around the house with the girl in what can only be described as "old white boy trying to get out of the 80's" and it usually has Anna Beth and I giggling till we have tears in our eyes.
Then there is this...
Yes, Shorty McShredd. It is a nod to his youth and he LOVES doing it. Once a year, we make the trek downtown for him to preform in the local Air Guitar competition. I have seen many of your baffled faces when you hear what he does. It is ok, I often have the same look. It is one of shock, admiration and questioning. I have watched him practice his routine and perform for 3 years. Every year, we walk into a place that I would never normally go and let me share with you what I see...The first year, no one knew him but they found him funny and he gained some respect. His performances are vastly different than the competition because he will not do something in the routine that he would not do in front of his daughter. The second year, people recognized him. I started noticing that they treated him with respect and when talking directly to him or I, they would refrain from cussing like a sailor. This third year, he walked in and was greeted warmly, people genuinely happy to see him, giving him hugs, and again showing a level of respect to him that they did not with each other. You see, my husband, in his quiet way, has proven that he is different. He has shown Christ in a place that many Christians would never step. I sat there amazed at what I was witnessing. My man, has become friends with these guys. He lives his life in front of them boldly but quietly. They know he has something they do not. They follow him on FB. They comment on his family and they watch him.
THIS is the man that I love so deeply. The man that leaves notes like this on my steering wheel a couple times a month...
The man that lays in bed reading with our girl each night and praying over her as she falls asleep. The man that puts away the laundry and scrubs the bathrooms when I ask. The man that refuses to go to bed until I go with him every night. The man that emails me every morning when he gets to work and tells me he is praying over me. The same man that prays out loud over us as we are making lunches and getting ready to walk out the door each day. He is not perfect...he is oBsessed with football. He gets grumpy the same as I do but he never stops loving us. He never stops encouraging us in our relationships with God.
I am grateful for the man that God fused my life with. I am proud to walk alongside him, therefore I cherish my marriage. I work hard to be the encouragement he needs. We work daily to serve each other. We learn and grow from the mistakes we make and we make time to talk about life together. Hold that thing God gave you sacred my friends. It is an incredible gift and picture of our relationship with our heavenly Father!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
3rd Grade...That's A Wrap
This day...I remember it well. She was so excited about starting another year of school. It seems like a lifetime ago. I had no idea what lay ahead for her and had God allowed me to see it, I would have probably quit work, locked her in the house and started homeschooling that instant. God knows best and I am grateful that He protects us from seeing too far in the future.
This girl has amazed me with the resilience of her tender heart. Daddy and Mommy learned to hold our tongues when she needed to learn to stand up for herself and work it out. We also learned a lot about going into battle for our kiddo. The two of us have labored over emails to the principles, teachers and had calls with Fun Company staff like no other year before. We have watched her learn to adapt to a teacher that does not naturally nurture and encourage. I believe those two have learned much from each other this year about how to respond to vastly different personalities.
Anna Beth was slapped, punched, kicked, laughed at and bullied more than I thought she could possibly endure. But the one thing that has grieved this momma's heart more than anything else was being exposed to racism. Brian and I have quietly observed as AB developed her friendships on a deeper level. The child treats no one differently. Cultures, disabilites, different family dynamics, she opens her heart to anyone. We treasure that about her. We have prayed more than ever, that her heart remains open to differences in people. That hope has been challenged this year. I have heard things like:
"Momma, my friends won't play with me anymore because I am not the same color as them."
"_______, said he wished his mom was not white because the darker kids will not play with him when they find out she is white."
"_______, made fun of me by saying people like me dance like this......and then they danced silly, then they said, "We dance like this!" and then they danced good."
"_______, said I was stupid and said she is going to slap my glasses off my face and break them. She said that because I am not the same color as her."
"Momma, why do they make you say what color you are on the TCAP? Why does that matter?"
Almost EVERY.SNGLE.DAY we have walked through these conversations as a family. I have walked away with tears in my eyes as I have watched her heart break at the rejection. We have talked much about extending grace. Understanding that others are hurting and don't understand that Jesus loves them soooo much. That sometimes others will hurt people they don't understand. We have talked about when to walk away but still pray for their hearts.
She has toughened but she has not broken. We have observed her befriend kids that bully her. She is full of second chances. Anna Beth has taught this momma much about what God would want us to do on the playground.
With all these changes over the year, Anna Beth is maturing. She has gone from a kid that wants to do EVERYTHING to a young lady that is narrowing down her interests. She has focused her energy this year on exercise and violin. She is choosing to quit her Girl Scouts after this summer,(been in GS since Kindergarten) and based upon the recommendation or her violin teacher, she wants to pursue trying out for a youth orchestra. We still have moments like this...
to moments like this...
and this...
Do I have a clue as to what her future holds? I have no idea but I will tell you...she is special. I know that everybody says that about their kids but, God has His hand on her in a unique way. It has been amazing to watch her mature this year but I know the time is coming for me to grow quiet as she gets older. She will need me to quietly guard her secrets and protect her trust in our relationship. I have been honored to support her and walk through this difficult year together. It has been a painful, beautiful journey that will help define the way she views the world. As parents, we are often overwhelmed with the enormity of the responsibility to cement her belief in God before she walks away from the security of our nest. Brian sends her off each day prepared with prayer and we entrust her to the Lord to protect her heart. I am grateful we can wrap up this year and I purpose to not be anxious for the unknown in our future.
We are proud of her accomplishments. She took pride in her work and managed to remain on the honor roll every semester this year and even finished the last semester on the Principle's List. Anna Beth,her Nana and Papa are taking off for some R&R in the mountains for the rest of the week and then we will celebrate summer to the fullest with hopes for a fresh start next year. Grateful for this girl!
This girl has amazed me with the resilience of her tender heart. Daddy and Mommy learned to hold our tongues when she needed to learn to stand up for herself and work it out. We also learned a lot about going into battle for our kiddo. The two of us have labored over emails to the principles, teachers and had calls with Fun Company staff like no other year before. We have watched her learn to adapt to a teacher that does not naturally nurture and encourage. I believe those two have learned much from each other this year about how to respond to vastly different personalities.
Anna Beth was slapped, punched, kicked, laughed at and bullied more than I thought she could possibly endure. But the one thing that has grieved this momma's heart more than anything else was being exposed to racism. Brian and I have quietly observed as AB developed her friendships on a deeper level. The child treats no one differently. Cultures, disabilites, different family dynamics, she opens her heart to anyone. We treasure that about her. We have prayed more than ever, that her heart remains open to differences in people. That hope has been challenged this year. I have heard things like:
"Momma, my friends won't play with me anymore because I am not the same color as them."
"_______, said he wished his mom was not white because the darker kids will not play with him when they find out she is white."
"_______, made fun of me by saying people like me dance like this......and then they danced silly, then they said, "We dance like this!" and then they danced good."
"_______, said I was stupid and said she is going to slap my glasses off my face and break them. She said that because I am not the same color as her."
"Momma, why do they make you say what color you are on the TCAP? Why does that matter?"
Almost EVERY.SNGLE.DAY we have walked through these conversations as a family. I have walked away with tears in my eyes as I have watched her heart break at the rejection. We have talked much about extending grace. Understanding that others are hurting and don't understand that Jesus loves them soooo much. That sometimes others will hurt people they don't understand. We have talked about when to walk away but still pray for their hearts.
She has toughened but she has not broken. We have observed her befriend kids that bully her. She is full of second chances. Anna Beth has taught this momma much about what God would want us to do on the playground.
With all these changes over the year, Anna Beth is maturing. She has gone from a kid that wants to do EVERYTHING to a young lady that is narrowing down her interests. She has focused her energy this year on exercise and violin. She is choosing to quit her Girl Scouts after this summer,(been in GS since Kindergarten) and based upon the recommendation or her violin teacher, she wants to pursue trying out for a youth orchestra. We still have moments like this...

Do I have a clue as to what her future holds? I have no idea but I will tell you...she is special. I know that everybody says that about their kids but, God has His hand on her in a unique way. It has been amazing to watch her mature this year but I know the time is coming for me to grow quiet as she gets older. She will need me to quietly guard her secrets and protect her trust in our relationship. I have been honored to support her and walk through this difficult year together. It has been a painful, beautiful journey that will help define the way she views the world. As parents, we are often overwhelmed with the enormity of the responsibility to cement her belief in God before she walks away from the security of our nest. Brian sends her off each day prepared with prayer and we entrust her to the Lord to protect her heart. I am grateful we can wrap up this year and I purpose to not be anxious for the unknown in our future.
We are proud of her accomplishments. She took pride in her work and managed to remain on the honor roll every semester this year and even finished the last semester on the Principle's List. Anna Beth,her Nana and Papa are taking off for some R&R in the mountains for the rest of the week and then we will celebrate summer to the fullest with hopes for a fresh start next year. Grateful for this girl!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Mother's Day Gift 2014
So Anna Beth made me a gift at school this year. I laughed, I cried, I was grateful for her heart.
The Questions & Answers Listed:
1. What do you LOVE TO DO THE MOST with your Mom? Cook
2. Complete this sentence, "My mom is as pretty as_____." Me
3. What's the SMARTEST thing your mom has ever told you? Longitude and Latitude
4. If you could give your mom ANYTHING in the world, what would it be? A new clean car
5. What kind of stuff is your mom REALLY GOOD AT? making food
6. If you could CHANGE ONE THING about your mom, what would it be? that she didn't have kancer
7. What's the ONE THING that you think your mom should do less of? dance in front of my friends
8. What's the ONE THING you think your mom should do more of? snugle with me
9. What does your mom like to do to RELAX? read or watch T.V
10. What do you think your mom was like BEFORE SHE HAD KIDS? more energetic
11. What's your mom's FAVORITE FOOD and FAVORITE DRINK? crab legs and ice cold water
12. What's the CRAZIEST THING you've ever seen your mom do? booty bump my dad
13. Complete this sentence. "I know my mom loves me because she spends lot of time with me.
I have said it before and I will say it again, blessed to be her momma!
The Questions & Answers Listed:
1. What do you LOVE TO DO THE MOST with your Mom? Cook
2. Complete this sentence, "My mom is as pretty as_____." Me
3. What's the SMARTEST thing your mom has ever told you? Longitude and Latitude
4. If you could give your mom ANYTHING in the world, what would it be? A new clean car
5. What kind of stuff is your mom REALLY GOOD AT? making food
6. If you could CHANGE ONE THING about your mom, what would it be? that she didn't have kancer
7. What's the ONE THING that you think your mom should do less of? dance in front of my friends
8. What's the ONE THING you think your mom should do more of? snugle with me
9. What does your mom like to do to RELAX? read or watch T.V
10. What do you think your mom was like BEFORE SHE HAD KIDS? more energetic
11. What's your mom's FAVORITE FOOD and FAVORITE DRINK? crab legs and ice cold water
12. What's the CRAZIEST THING you've ever seen your mom do? booty bump my dad
13. Complete this sentence. "I know my mom loves me because she spends lot of time with me.
I have said it before and I will say it again, blessed to be her momma!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The Hope...
Last weekend we were at the Opry Mills Mall and walked past a Kiosk. I saw this sign…. And tears started pouring down my face. I walked half way through that mall with tears pouring. I could not stop them. My heart hurt as I longed for a child I cannot hold but only imagine. Someday I will come back and get this sign. Someday…..
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
-Hebrews 11:1
This verse I have clung tightly to this week. It is the mirror of my heart and a promise to not stop believing in our child that we have yet to meet. The three of us spend time talking and dreaming about how God will use this child to change us and us to change him/her. This is a scary investment. This is taking a risk with our hearts. Brian and I understand the risk but I worry about the risk to Anna Beth’s. She prays for her brother/sister. She firmly believes God is working and preparing us all. It is a blind faith. It is terrifyingly beautiful and it is growing us in ways that I never thought possible. We are preparing with prayer, preparing with confidence and preparing in hope.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
-Hebrews 11:1
This verse I have clung tightly to this week. It is the mirror of my heart and a promise to not stop believing in our child that we have yet to meet. The three of us spend time talking and dreaming about how God will use this child to change us and us to change him/her. This is a scary investment. This is taking a risk with our hearts. Brian and I understand the risk but I worry about the risk to Anna Beth’s. She prays for her brother/sister. She firmly believes God is working and preparing us all. It is a blind faith. It is terrifyingly beautiful and it is growing us in ways that I never thought possible. We are preparing with prayer, preparing with confidence and preparing in hope.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Bike Ride Observations
So Anna Beth and I loaded up our bikes and headed out for our first real bike ride together. I have several observations:
1. We need a bike rack cause 2 bikes are a tight fit with the girl in the back seat.

2. My bike seat is too high and it is like jumping off a cliff when climbing off.
3. While it may appear that I have plenty of fluff on my backside, it is no match for my bike seat! (It should be noted that my bike is the same bike that I have had since I was 15 years old and it has been about 15 yrs. since I have ridden it)

4. Anna Beth needs more practice because she drives erratically. There was A LOT of stopping and swerving.
5. Anna Beth had her first bike wreck and learned her lesson about her knee and elbow pads. That did not stop daddy from preaching about it when we got home. :)
6. It is best to always know where you are going or a simple 3 mile bike ride can quickly turn into a 7 mile bike ride consisting of circles.
7. Mommy gets snippy when she is lost!
8. Anna Beth is NO help at all in loading and unloading the bikes.
9. Mommy now walks like a 41 yr. old that has not been on a bike in 15 yrs.

10. Totally worth it and we will be doing to again soon. Maybe with a GPS and a bike rack though!
1. We need a bike rack cause 2 bikes are a tight fit with the girl in the back seat.

2. My bike seat is too high and it is like jumping off a cliff when climbing off.
3. While it may appear that I have plenty of fluff on my backside, it is no match for my bike seat! (It should be noted that my bike is the same bike that I have had since I was 15 years old and it has been about 15 yrs. since I have ridden it)

4. Anna Beth needs more practice because she drives erratically. There was A LOT of stopping and swerving.
5. Anna Beth had her first bike wreck and learned her lesson about her knee and elbow pads. That did not stop daddy from preaching about it when we got home. :)
6. It is best to always know where you are going or a simple 3 mile bike ride can quickly turn into a 7 mile bike ride consisting of circles.
7. Mommy gets snippy when she is lost!
8. Anna Beth is NO help at all in loading and unloading the bikes.
9. Mommy now walks like a 41 yr. old that has not been on a bike in 15 yrs.

10. Totally worth it and we will be doing to again soon. Maybe with a GPS and a bike rack though!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Me Vs. Spider
Monday morning showed such promise as I grabbed my stuff and hit the door headed to work. cruising along the back-roads, quietly preparing my heart for the day and then....I saw it! A spider, a small brown, creepy thing that had the strength of 10 football players. At some point during the night, that THING had moved into my side mirror. I stared at it and my skin began to crawl. I watched as it held on despite the fact that it was blowing along in its web at speeds of 40 mph. Slowly it worked its way to the corner of the mirror and climbed in behind it. It was safe! Safe from certain death and I knew that my commute was going to be filled with terror till that thing moved out.
Each morning and evening this week, I spend 45 minutes to an hour with one eye on that mirror and one eye on the road. The web grows and with it my imagination. For 3 days and nights I have trekked from one side of town to the other, carefully taking notes of the best places to pull over in case an escape was needed. I have places going and coming in case that spider makes its way inside my vehicle. I have 3 planned escape routes to get out of the vehicle. I have mentally walked through how quickly I could stop the car and bail. I did realize during this careful planning that the optimal would have been to also have a sun roof in my car. At some point I realized that my ability to get myself in worse situations would occur with a sun roof. I pictured myself attempting to climb out of the top of the car and in the process getting stuck. That freakishly strong spider could then climb my leg and get stuck in my pants. In the end, I realized that not having a sun roof was God's divine intervention from a fate worse than death!
I am held prisoner by this small spider that loves to play the innocent. My window cannot be rolled down. I lay awake at night planning out my responses to the worst case scenarios with this THING and feeling as though it is crawling on me! Only time will tell who will win this battle but I will be mentally tortured till it is over!
Each morning and evening this week, I spend 45 minutes to an hour with one eye on that mirror and one eye on the road. The web grows and with it my imagination. For 3 days and nights I have trekked from one side of town to the other, carefully taking notes of the best places to pull over in case an escape was needed. I have places going and coming in case that spider makes its way inside my vehicle. I have 3 planned escape routes to get out of the vehicle. I have mentally walked through how quickly I could stop the car and bail. I did realize during this careful planning that the optimal would have been to also have a sun roof in my car. At some point I realized that my ability to get myself in worse situations would occur with a sun roof. I pictured myself attempting to climb out of the top of the car and in the process getting stuck. That freakishly strong spider could then climb my leg and get stuck in my pants. In the end, I realized that not having a sun roof was God's divine intervention from a fate worse than death!
I am held prisoner by this small spider that loves to play the innocent. My window cannot be rolled down. I lay awake at night planning out my responses to the worst case scenarios with this THING and feeling as though it is crawling on me! Only time will tell who will win this battle but I will be mentally tortured till it is over!
Saturday, April 5, 2014
What Does a Spiritual Leader Look Like?
This is a hard one to define. My view of this have changed over the years. I used to imagine myself married to a man that spent his evenings holding prayer meetings in our living room. God had another type of man in mind for me. :)
Anna Beth developed a sincere interest in the homeless when she was about 5 years old. We were driving down the interstate in Nashville and she noticed a homeless man sitting under a bridge. She asked many questions and helping the homeless has been a mission of her's ever since. Recently, she had a birthday party and requested her friends to bring non-perishable food rather than gifts. She wanted to donate it to the Nashville Rescue Mission.
Today, her and Brian finally had some time to take it and the 2 turkeys in my freezer down there. I stayed home so that I could get some cleaning done. When they returned Brian told me how the delivery went. He stated that on the way there, they prayed over the food and the people that would use it. They prayed that God would use it to minister to them.
No, I did not marry a Bible thumping man of God. Instead I am married to a strong quiet leader. A man that prays with us as we leave the house in the mornings. A man that reads a verse at dinner and discusses how it applies to us. A man that lays in bed with our daughter at night and prays over her heart. A man that is intentional in his relationship with me and our daughter. And let's be honest...the man is just plaid old funny!
Anna Beth developed a sincere interest in the homeless when she was about 5 years old. We were driving down the interstate in Nashville and she noticed a homeless man sitting under a bridge. She asked many questions and helping the homeless has been a mission of her's ever since. Recently, she had a birthday party and requested her friends to bring non-perishable food rather than gifts. She wanted to donate it to the Nashville Rescue Mission.
No, I did not marry a Bible thumping man of God. Instead I am married to a strong quiet leader. A man that prays with us as we leave the house in the mornings. A man that reads a verse at dinner and discusses how it applies to us. A man that lays in bed with our daughter at night and prays over her heart. A man that is intentional in his relationship with me and our daughter. And let's be honest...the man is just plaid old funny!

Adoption: An Act of Faith
Many of you have asked and wondered where we are at in the adoption process. We are simply in a phase of waiting. I will be honest....waiting is HARD! Brian and I felt strongly that God has called us to adopt domestically. That means we sit and wait for a birth mom to choose us. We have been in this phase since October 2013.
Brian and I both felt the calling to adopt about 2 years ago. God dealt with both our hearts separately and it came up in a random conversation one day. We have struggled with aspects of this adoption at times and have prayed our way through the process. Right now the biggest fear involves faith.
This is not as though we saw a child on a website and are pursing them until they are safely in our care. This is a blind faith of believing God when He tells us to prepare. There is fear in asking people to partner with us in raising funds and being unsure if we will ever hold our baby. There is fear in preparing space for a child that may never come and live here. There is fear in putting your whole heart in and never knowing for sure if we will see that dream God has given us come true. At times there are tears, there is a questioning of God's calling and there is the overwhelming fear of the unknown.
Brian and I are not risk takers. We play if safe most of the time. It is simply our personalities. If we were asked to take one of those investment personality tests, we would be the ones that would chose the 15 year CD at 1% rather than buying stock that could tank at any given moment. We like a sure thing. Adoption is not a sure thing. It is risky for your bank account, your pride and your heart. We are also taking a risk with our daughter's heart because she is ALL in as well.
Right now we wait, we pray and we believe in what God has called us to do. To pursue a child of God's choosing so that we can raise that child to fall in love with their heavenly Father.
Brian and I both felt the calling to adopt about 2 years ago. God dealt with both our hearts separately and it came up in a random conversation one day. We have struggled with aspects of this adoption at times and have prayed our way through the process. Right now the biggest fear involves faith.
This is not as though we saw a child on a website and are pursing them until they are safely in our care. This is a blind faith of believing God when He tells us to prepare. There is fear in asking people to partner with us in raising funds and being unsure if we will ever hold our baby. There is fear in preparing space for a child that may never come and live here. There is fear in putting your whole heart in and never knowing for sure if we will see that dream God has given us come true. At times there are tears, there is a questioning of God's calling and there is the overwhelming fear of the unknown.
Brian and I are not risk takers. We play if safe most of the time. It is simply our personalities. If we were asked to take one of those investment personality tests, we would be the ones that would chose the 15 year CD at 1% rather than buying stock that could tank at any given moment. We like a sure thing. Adoption is not a sure thing. It is risky for your bank account, your pride and your heart. We are also taking a risk with our daughter's heart because she is ALL in as well.
Right now we wait, we pray and we believe in what God has called us to do. To pursue a child of God's choosing so that we can raise that child to fall in love with their heavenly Father.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Mundane Ramblings
If you ever wonder what it's like to raise a type "A" child, let me give you a few quotes from my day...
"Anna Beth, stop straightening the grocery carts and let's go!"
"So let me get this straight, You emailed your teacher and asked her to send you more homework?"
"Stop turning all the cans the same direction, Mommy needs to get the shopping done so we can get home."
"Mom, I'm going to keep a list of all the things that I take in my back-pack everyday so I can make sure I bring it home."
"Mom, do you know where my label maker is?"
"AB, just erase it, you don't have to start the whole page all over." "But it looks messy!" she says with tears in her eyes.
Violin Practice..."I just want to quit cause I can't do it right!" (Tears rolling down her cheeks and 5 minutes later she plays 3 measures perfectly.
"You know how I'm a slow learner?" (She has been on the honor roll all year)
"Mom, you did not put the brush back in the drawer"
"Mom, can I organize my closet?
Conversation with AB about boys...
AB: "Do you remember Austin?"
ME: "Austin who?"
AB: "You know...AUSTIN!"
ME: Oh...the Austin you like?"
AB: "Yes! Well Anna (her friend) and I were playing and she walked over to Austin, yes there are 3 Austin's at our school. There is THE Austin, his best friend Austin and then there is the Austin that I was in Kindergarten with.
ME: (nodding like I had a clue)
AB: "Well Anna went over to Austin (the best friend) and asked him if THE Austin liked anybody but he said no. Then Anna went back a few minutes later and asked Austin (the best friend) again if THE Austin really did like someone. Don't worry, Anna is already dating somebody so she was not trying to find out for herself."
Me: (totally relieved over this fact...Bawhahahhaaaa)
AB: "Well Austin (the best friend) said not to tell anyone but THE Austin really likes me!"
ME: "Interesting..."
AB: "Yeah and he has been walking around the edge of the playground pretending to read a book but he has been staring at me."
ME: "Dating is not really something that you need to be doing in 3rd grade."
AB: "It's ok Mom, I'm not just going to date anybody...I'm waiting for HIM!"
ME: (insert long lecture on dating here)
Fun Fact: Daddy made sure that he met THE Austin one day when he picked AB up from school.
"Anna Beth, stop straightening the grocery carts and let's go!"
"So let me get this straight, You emailed your teacher and asked her to send you more homework?"
"Stop turning all the cans the same direction, Mommy needs to get the shopping done so we can get home."
"Mom, I'm going to keep a list of all the things that I take in my back-pack everyday so I can make sure I bring it home."
"Mom, do you know where my label maker is?"
"AB, just erase it, you don't have to start the whole page all over." "But it looks messy!" she says with tears in her eyes.
Violin Practice..."I just want to quit cause I can't do it right!" (Tears rolling down her cheeks and 5 minutes later she plays 3 measures perfectly.
"You know how I'm a slow learner?" (She has been on the honor roll all year)
"Mom, you did not put the brush back in the drawer"
"Mom, can I organize my closet?
Conversation with AB about boys...
AB: "Do you remember Austin?"
ME: "Austin who?"
AB: "You know...AUSTIN!"
ME: Oh...the Austin you like?"
AB: "Yes! Well Anna (her friend) and I were playing and she walked over to Austin, yes there are 3 Austin's at our school. There is THE Austin, his best friend Austin and then there is the Austin that I was in Kindergarten with.
ME: (nodding like I had a clue)
AB: "Well Anna went over to Austin (the best friend) and asked him if THE Austin liked anybody but he said no. Then Anna went back a few minutes later and asked Austin (the best friend) again if THE Austin really did like someone. Don't worry, Anna is already dating somebody so she was not trying to find out for herself."
Me: (totally relieved over this fact...Bawhahahhaaaa)
AB: "Well Austin (the best friend) said not to tell anyone but THE Austin really likes me!"
ME: "Interesting..."
AB: "Yeah and he has been walking around the edge of the playground pretending to read a book but he has been staring at me."
ME: "Dating is not really something that you need to be doing in 3rd grade."
AB: "It's ok Mom, I'm not just going to date anybody...I'm waiting for HIM!"
ME: (insert long lecture on dating here)
Fun Fact: Daddy made sure that he met THE Austin one day when he picked AB up from school.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Life Is Hard Ya'll!
I'm not kidding! The last few weeks have been overwhelming with commitments. Work has been, sit in your seat for 10 hours straight with no lunch break kind of hard. The kind of hard that requires Brian and I to rearrange our schedules at 4:30 so I can stay and work till 8 at night kind of hard. Then there is coming home to this...
because the dishwasher broke this week. And then there is this....
because we have been working on AB's pinewood derby car for her race tomorrow. There is staying up late to wash towels because if I don't we will be drying ourselves off with hand towels and wash cloths.
On top of the day to day my girl turned 9 yrs. old and we always pull her out of school on her birthday to spend the day with her doing something fun. She chose...wait for lining. UGH! Have I mentioned before that I am terrified of heights?!!! Like I have to close my eyes as Brian drives over tall bridges kind of scared. I'm not going to lie, I might have shed a few tears when I stepped off the last 2 platforms. But I did it because it was important to her!
At some point, I also agreed to have 14 girls over for a sleepover! Yeah, I have lost my mind!
There is also a really good chance that the decorations from that sleepover last weekend are still hanging up and the giant bed is still in the middle of my living room floor.
Then there is the church nursery/preschool schedule, paperwork , emails and expectations that I need to keep up with. I have also had the brilliant idea to start a Pampered Chef business. It is all good stuff but I am tired ya'll. Not just a little tired but like ugly cry tired!
All that to say that as tired as I have been, it has been easy to let my guard down. One day this week, I stayed mad ALL day! The hurt that I felt was valid but my attitude was not. I spent 24 hours focused on the person that hurt me rather than the Lord. While I sat at my desk the next morning, preparing to fester for another day, I realized that I had taken my eyes off God and had put them on the pain. I wanted to be ANGRY! But I realized that my attitude was interfering with my WALK. I sat there confessing my sin and asking for a new perspective. God, in His mercy and grace, loved me right where I was at and gently carried me the rest of the day. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the injustices of my life and I miss moments like this....
. Two hours at Chili's listening to my girl's heart and hurts. What a blessing that was to encourage and love on her. I am grateful that God chases me and my mess all over Tennessee!

On top of the day to day my girl turned 9 yrs. old and we always pull her out of school on her birthday to spend the day with her doing something fun. She chose...wait for lining. UGH! Have I mentioned before that I am terrified of heights?!!! Like I have to close my eyes as Brian drives over tall bridges kind of scared. I'm not going to lie, I might have shed a few tears when I stepped off the last 2 platforms. But I did it because it was important to her!

At some point, I also agreed to have 14 girls over for a sleepover! Yeah, I have lost my mind!

Then there is the church nursery/preschool schedule, paperwork , emails and expectations that I need to keep up with. I have also had the brilliant idea to start a Pampered Chef business. It is all good stuff but I am tired ya'll. Not just a little tired but like ugly cry tired!
All that to say that as tired as I have been, it has been easy to let my guard down. One day this week, I stayed mad ALL day! The hurt that I felt was valid but my attitude was not. I spent 24 hours focused on the person that hurt me rather than the Lord. While I sat at my desk the next morning, preparing to fester for another day, I realized that I had taken my eyes off God and had put them on the pain. I wanted to be ANGRY! But I realized that my attitude was interfering with my WALK. I sat there confessing my sin and asking for a new perspective. God, in His mercy and grace, loved me right where I was at and gently carried me the rest of the day. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in the injustices of my life and I miss moments like this....
Thursday, January 23, 2014
10 Years of Marriage Perfection!
I know, you just groaned and rolled your eyes because I called my marriage perfect. Give me a minute to tell you all about it….
You see, about 11 years ago, there was this guy that was a drummer, with an earring, living out his dream in Nashville. He was bored and a little lonely so he logged onto a dating website and searched for ladies 5 feet and under. (I promise that this is a true story) He happened to pull up my profile as I fit the criteria of being 4 feet 11 inches and he sent me a message. There I was, 2 ½ hours away, lonely spinster, having spent the last 2 years of my life working with special needs kids by day and caring for my Grandmother by night (she had Alzheimer’s). I had just recently spent my 30th birthday, wearing a 1 piece denim jumper, at Chili’s, with 2 girlfriends, crying about my sad life, and then proceeded to get sick with a 3 day virus. What appeared on my computer screen that night was but a little glimmer of hope.
Fast forward 11 months and there I was in a beautiful white dress, standing next to my dad who was about to pass out. Seriously…his girl was marrying a man that was taking her 2 ½ hours away to live and my Dad hardly knew him. What little he did know, involved the earring and drum sticks. Any normal southern Baptist dad would have passed out months ago when he saw the ring! My sister was about to have a fit because I was moving and my mom was just grateful someone was finally marrying her spinster daughter. It was a wedding of mixed emotions to be sure.
We settled for a couple months into our 550 square feet of the American dream before we started searching for that perfect family dwelling. We moved into our little townhome of wedded bliss on Woodmaker Court and after about 5 months of marriage, we discovered we were pregnant. I think I actually heard my dad groan from Jackson.
From that point forward, we just plowed through life, always together. Below are just a few things that I love about my life with "B"
*There were the moments that we cried and prayed together over our little girl’s NICU bed.
*There were the parenting fails…I remember sitting on one side of a door, with my screaming toddler on the other, tears running down my face and begging my husband over the phone to talk me off the cliff. He gently reminded me that I was a good mom because I put the door between Anna Beth and I.
*There were the come to Jesus meetings about how to discipline this intensely stubborn child of ours. (I don’t know where she gets it being the first born of 2 first borns) In the end, we learned together that AB does not fit into our mold but we instead have gotten to know our girl and to parent her in a way that fits her.
*There was the time that we bought a new house and then 2 months later had our salaries cut by $10k a year. Together we learned how to lean on the Lord and cut out things that were not needed, only wanted.
*There were the nights that we rushed to the emergency room at 3 and 4 in the morning with a child that could hardly breathe.
*There were the broken down cars, weeks of living with dusty concrete floors, nights of no sleep because we had a kid that apparently had no desire to sleep through the night till she was 4!
*There was the breast cancer diagnosis, the weeping, the surgeries, the months of chemo. The moments of panic when I kept passing out, (sorry about that Love). There were the late night runs for food because I was actually hungry for the first time in 2 weeks.
*There have been the celebrations as we pass each cancer milestone and THE song…the song that he wrote me because he was proud of me.
*There are the giggles because I am so grumpy and tired. There are the late night talks about our days and dreams. The sweet prayer time as we drift off to sleep.
*There is endless hours of football…(chick flick season is coming up for me and he will endure!)
*There is the dream of adoption and the endless conversations about what that looks like for us.
*There is Brian laughing at me because after 10 years I can still not match the claps on the "Friends" theme song!
*There is the fact that he still cannot load a dishwasher and I still leave on lights.
*There is the fact that he refuses to go to bed without me and will stay up until he can convince me to go to bed.
*There are the family prayer huddles, the sometimes listened to and sometimes not family devotionals at dinner. There are the phone calls on the way to work because we ran out of time to pray together before I had to leave.
*There have been the dates at the arcarde, movies at home, the sweet notes left on my steering wheel to encourage me, the flowers just because, the notes written on his napkin in his lunches. The emails that go back and forth each morning just to say I love you…more! Each one have been simple little reminders that we daily chose each other.
*My favorite moment of our marriage has to be the moment my surgeon removed my bandages after my mastectomy. My dear husband had the biggest grin on his face when he saw my scars, looked me in the eye and informed me that it looked really good!
*There is the delight and contentment of just being in the same space together. We still rush home every night, looking forward to a hug and kiss.
This man that pledged to be mine those 10 years ago has loved me with a steadfast love. The perfect marriage is not defined by the cheezy looks over dinner and gag worthy posts on Facebook (although we are guilty of both). It is simply, 2 messy people that work hard at a relationship. A relationship that can glorify God by daily dying to their own wants and needs and putting each other first. We have weathered many storms and disappointments in 10 years of marriage and we will face more in the years to come. There is a little sign that hangs over our front door. We walk beneath it every day when we leave the house and it simply says…Love You More!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
New Year's Eve Blessing...
So Brian and I were going to go over to a friend's house to ring in the New Year but plans changed for which I will be forever grateful. You see, God had something special planned for us.
My sister is pregnant with her second and had asked a few weeks ago if she could have AB over for New Year's Eve. She wanted to spend some time with her before the baby came. This meant that Brian and I were child free and no longer had plans. We ended up at Famous Dave's for chicken wings. (We tried Buffalo Wild Wings first but they were out of Wings...yes, we laughed and shook our heads too!) I have to be honest here...I literally turned to Brian while we were waiting to be seated and asked him, "We are now that old boring couple that is going to go to bed early aren't we?" He nodded his head yes.
After ordering our dinner we began to talk and God showed up. We had an amazing time sharing our hearts and desires for the future. One question that had come up during one of our home-study sessions was, "What do you expect your adopted child to look like?" Brian and I have never really discussed this together and on New Years Eve we found that we both shared the same vision. A child that will change the look of our family and will make us think beyond our normal boundaries. A child that will teach us much about ourselves and spark conversation about what love looks like. We shared our lack of faith about what God can bless us with in this adoption and it was an encouragement to us both.
We discussed our goals as a family and as individuals for the next year. For the last couple of years we have had family goals. Last year involved the word "Simplify," completing the home-study and eating a more healthy diet. This year, our goal is "Focus." We plan to "focus" on Baby Wood (fundraising, preparing, and praying), exercise, which will include walking The Color Run as a family AND being more intentional in developing our relationships with the Lord.
We are so excited about 2014 and what God has in store. I am praying that it is a year of change for us in many ways!
My sister is pregnant with her second and had asked a few weeks ago if she could have AB over for New Year's Eve. She wanted to spend some time with her before the baby came. This meant that Brian and I were child free and no longer had plans. We ended up at Famous Dave's for chicken wings. (We tried Buffalo Wild Wings first but they were out of Wings...yes, we laughed and shook our heads too!) I have to be honest here...I literally turned to Brian while we were waiting to be seated and asked him, "We are now that old boring couple that is going to go to bed early aren't we?" He nodded his head yes.
After ordering our dinner we began to talk and God showed up. We had an amazing time sharing our hearts and desires for the future. One question that had come up during one of our home-study sessions was, "What do you expect your adopted child to look like?" Brian and I have never really discussed this together and on New Years Eve we found that we both shared the same vision. A child that will change the look of our family and will make us think beyond our normal boundaries. A child that will teach us much about ourselves and spark conversation about what love looks like. We shared our lack of faith about what God can bless us with in this adoption and it was an encouragement to us both.
We discussed our goals as a family and as individuals for the next year. For the last couple of years we have had family goals. Last year involved the word "Simplify," completing the home-study and eating a more healthy diet. This year, our goal is "Focus." We plan to "focus" on Baby Wood (fundraising, preparing, and praying), exercise, which will include walking The Color Run as a family AND being more intentional in developing our relationships with the Lord.
We are so excited about 2014 and what God has in store. I am praying that it is a year of change for us in many ways!
Raising Compassion Vs. PC
Brian and I have spent many hours over the past year discussing being politically correct vs. speaking truth. It has weighed heavy on our minds because we have become confronted with raising a child that has great compassion in a harsh world. We have grappled with teaching truth about racism, polygamy, gay lifestyles and abortion to a child that just loves people. One of my great fears is that she will stop seeing people and start first seeing sin.
I keep going back to the verse that states…”For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12” When a baby is born, we do not immediately start teaching self-restraint and discipline. We just love them and develop a bond of trust. As they grow older, we teach discipline and self-restraint as a way to protect our children physically. Eventually we teach them discipline as a way to protect them spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I believe it is the same between us and the Lord. He seeks a relationship with us because He loves us. As we fall in love with Him, He begins to reveal our sinful hearts and habits that hurt our relationship with Him. He does not reveal it all to us at once because it would overwhelm us. But instead He shows us His purity vs. our sin over time and approaches them one at a time. First…He just loves us!
This last year, as we have discussed these topics with Anna Beth, we first ask her what she believes God’s word says. Then we ask her if God loves that person no matter what. I want her to be able to recognize sin but see people as God sees them. I want her to recognize that God does not rate sin as we do. My sin of a short-temper, disrespect, etc. is not any different to God than someone else’s sin of racism or abortion. God sees sin and people differently and He calls us to do the same. If we, as Christians stop seeing people with love and compassion first, we will cease to reach them. I want my daughter to be able to influence people with the way she loves. It is an incredible gift that God has given her. If anyone has met my girl, you know that she loves people quickly and without reservation. My prayer is that God will protect that gift for a long time and she will not become jaded by this world.
I struggle with Christians that have taken a far right or far left approach to people’s hearts. God is not the author of politics but a message of grace towards His people. This is what I invest in my girl. I am not raising a Republican or Democrat. I am raising a daughter of the King. Someday, I will not be held accountable for what side of the line I taught her to stand on but what view of our God I presented to her. God will be the one to reveal His law to her gently and over time.
I keep going back to the verse that states…”For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:12” When a baby is born, we do not immediately start teaching self-restraint and discipline. We just love them and develop a bond of trust. As they grow older, we teach discipline and self-restraint as a way to protect our children physically. Eventually we teach them discipline as a way to protect them spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I believe it is the same between us and the Lord. He seeks a relationship with us because He loves us. As we fall in love with Him, He begins to reveal our sinful hearts and habits that hurt our relationship with Him. He does not reveal it all to us at once because it would overwhelm us. But instead He shows us His purity vs. our sin over time and approaches them one at a time. First…He just loves us!
This last year, as we have discussed these topics with Anna Beth, we first ask her what she believes God’s word says. Then we ask her if God loves that person no matter what. I want her to be able to recognize sin but see people as God sees them. I want her to recognize that God does not rate sin as we do. My sin of a short-temper, disrespect, etc. is not any different to God than someone else’s sin of racism or abortion. God sees sin and people differently and He calls us to do the same. If we, as Christians stop seeing people with love and compassion first, we will cease to reach them. I want my daughter to be able to influence people with the way she loves. It is an incredible gift that God has given her. If anyone has met my girl, you know that she loves people quickly and without reservation. My prayer is that God will protect that gift for a long time and she will not become jaded by this world.
I struggle with Christians that have taken a far right or far left approach to people’s hearts. God is not the author of politics but a message of grace towards His people. This is what I invest in my girl. I am not raising a Republican or Democrat. I am raising a daughter of the King. Someday, I will not be held accountable for what side of the line I taught her to stand on but what view of our God I presented to her. God will be the one to reveal His law to her gently and over time.
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