Tuesday, May 27, 2014

3rd Grade...That's A Wrap

This day...I remember it well. She was so excited about starting another year of school. It seems like a lifetime ago. I had no idea what lay ahead for her and had God allowed me to see it, I would have probably quit work, locked her in the house and started homeschooling that instant. God knows best and I am grateful that He protects us from seeing too far in the future.

This girl has amazed me with the resilience of her tender heart. Daddy and Mommy learned to hold our tongues when she needed to learn to stand up for herself and work it out. We also learned a lot about going into battle for our kiddo. The two of us have labored over emails to the principles, teachers and had calls with Fun Company staff like no other year before. We have watched her learn to adapt to a teacher that does not naturally nurture and encourage. I believe those two have learned much from each other this year about how to respond to vastly different personalities.

Anna Beth was slapped, punched, kicked, laughed at and bullied more than I thought she could possibly endure. But the one thing that has grieved this momma's heart more than anything else was being exposed to racism. Brian and I have quietly observed as AB developed her friendships on a deeper level. The child treats no one differently. Cultures, disabilites, different family dynamics, she opens her heart to anyone. We treasure that about her. We have prayed more than ever, that her heart remains open to differences in people.
That hope has been challenged this year. I have heard things like:

"Momma, my friends won't play with me anymore because I am not the same color as them."

"_______, said he wished his mom was not white because the darker kids will not play with him when they find out she is white."

"_______, made fun of me by saying people like me dance like this......and then they danced silly, then they said, "We dance like this!" and then they danced good."

"_______, said I was stupid and said she is going to slap my glasses off my face and break them. She said that because I am not the same color as her."

"Momma, why do they make you say what color you are on the TCAP? Why does that matter?"

Almost EVERY.SNGLE.DAY we have walked through these conversations as a family. I have walked away with tears in my eyes as I have watched her heart break at the rejection. We have talked much about extending grace. Understanding that others are hurting and don't understand that Jesus loves them soooo much. That sometimes others will hurt people they don't understand. We have talked about when to walk away but still pray for their hearts.

She has toughened but she has not broken. We have observed her befriend kids that bully her. She is full of second chances. Anna Beth has taught this momma much about what God would want us to do on the playground.

With all these changes over the year, Anna Beth is maturing. She has gone from a kid that wants to do EVERYTHING to a young lady that is narrowing down her interests. She has focused her energy this year on exercise and violin. She is choosing to quit her Girl Scouts after this summer,(been in GS since Kindergarten) and based upon the recommendation or her violin teacher, she wants to pursue trying out for a youth orchestra. We still have moments like this... to moments like this... and this...

Do I have a clue as to what her future holds? I have no idea but I will tell you...she is special. I know that everybody says that about their kids but, God has His hand on her in a unique way. It has been amazing to watch her mature this year but I know the time is coming for me to grow quiet as she gets older. She will need me to quietly guard her secrets and protect her trust in our relationship. I have been honored to support her and walk through this difficult year together. It has been a painful, beautiful journey that will help define the way she views the world. As parents, we are often overwhelmed with the enormity of the responsibility to cement her belief in God before she walks away from the security of our nest. Brian sends her off each day prepared with prayer and we entrust her to the Lord to protect her heart. I am grateful we can wrap up this year and I purpose to not be anxious for the unknown in our future.

We are proud of her accomplishments. She took pride in her work and managed to remain on the honor roll every semester this year and even finished the last semester on the Principle's List. Anna Beth,her Nana and Papa are taking off for some R&R in the mountains for the rest of the week and then we will celebrate summer to the fullest with hopes for a fresh start next year. Grateful for this girl!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Gift 2014

So Anna Beth made me a gift at school this year. I laughed, I cried, I was grateful for her heart.

The Questions & Answers Listed:

1. What do you LOVE TO DO THE MOST with your Mom? Cook
2. Complete this sentence, "My mom is as pretty as_____." Me
3. What's the SMARTEST thing your mom has ever told you? Longitude and Latitude
4. If you could give your mom ANYTHING in the world, what would it be? A new clean car
5. What kind of stuff is your mom REALLY GOOD AT? making food
6. If you could CHANGE ONE THING about your mom, what would it be? that she didn't have kancer
7. What's the ONE THING that you think your mom should do less of? dance in front of my friends
8. What's the ONE THING you think your mom should do more of? snugle with me
9. What does your mom like to do to RELAX? read or watch T.V
10. What do you think your mom was like BEFORE SHE HAD KIDS? more energetic
11. What's your mom's FAVORITE FOOD and FAVORITE DRINK? crab legs and ice cold water
12. What's the CRAZIEST THING you've ever seen your mom do? booty bump my dad
13. Complete this sentence. "I know my mom loves me because she spends lot of time with me.

I have said it before and I will say it again, blessed to be her momma!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Hope...

Last weekend we were at the Opry Mills Mall and walked past a Kiosk. I saw this sign…
. And tears started pouring down my face. I walked half way through that mall with tears pouring. I could not stop them. My heart hurt as I longed for a child I cannot hold but only imagine. Someday I will come back and get this sign. Someday…..

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
-Hebrews 11:1

This verse I have clung tightly to this week. It is the mirror of my heart and a promise to not stop believing in our child that we have yet to meet. The three of us spend time talking and dreaming about how God will use this child to change us and us to change him/her. This is a scary investment. This is taking a risk with our hearts. Brian and I understand the risk but I worry about the risk to Anna Beth’s. She prays for her brother/sister. She firmly believes God is working and preparing us all. It is a blind faith. It is terrifyingly beautiful and it is growing us in ways that I never thought possible. We are preparing with prayer, preparing with confidence and preparing in hope.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bike Ride Observations

So Anna Beth and I loaded up our bikes and headed out for our first real bike ride together. I have several observations:

1. We need a bike rack cause 2 bikes are a tight fit with the girl in the back seat.

2. My bike seat is too high and it is like jumping off a cliff when climbing off.
3. While it may appear that I have plenty of fluff on my backside, it is no match for my bike seat! (It should be noted that my bike is the same bike that I have had since I was 15 years old and it has been about 15 yrs. since I have ridden it)

4. Anna Beth needs more practice because she drives erratically. There was A LOT of stopping and swerving.
5. Anna Beth had her first bike wreck and learned her lesson about her knee and elbow pads. That did not stop daddy from preaching about it when we got home. :)
6. It is best to always know where you are going or a simple 3 mile bike ride can quickly turn into a 7 mile bike ride consisting of circles.
7. Mommy gets snippy when she is lost!
8. Anna Beth is NO help at all in loading and unloading the bikes.
9. Mommy now walks like a 41 yr. old that has not been on a bike in 15 yrs.

10. Totally worth it and we will be doing to again soon. Maybe with a GPS and a bike rack though!