Last week was a week that God poured out grace on our family. Monday started out with Anna Beth getting sick. Brian stayed home with her Tuesday and took her to the doctor so I could go in for my chemo treatment. unfortunately, she tested positive for the flu and she was kind enough to pass it off to me. LOL Wednesday night we landed in the ER due to Anna Beth having an asthma attack that we could not get under control. Thursday, I went to the doctor and tested positive for the flu. I was not able to keep anything down for about 24 hours so Monday morning I freaked my husband out by passing out in the bathtub. Next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance headed to the Vandy ER. Turns out that I was so severely dehydrated that my blood pressure was dangerously low at 80/20. There started me on fluids right away and was able to stabilize me within a couple of hours. I was moved that afternoon to a more stable area of the ER where I was officially admitted to the hospital and spent the next 24 hours. Not sure if you have ever had to spend the night in the ER because the hospital beds are full but it is not very restful and sleeping on a stretcher can get painful. We survived and we able to head home on Saturday afternoon where I continued to recoup.
Brian and I have spent alot of time reflecting on the past 6 months as we are nearing the end of chemo. Just one more week to be exact. We continue to be amazed at how God has walked us through this entire process. My clinical trial nurse stated Tuesday that she has never had a patient whose body had taken such a beating through chemo. Yet, I feel blessed. At every turn God has provided, carried us when we were to overwhelmed to go on and has sent people to encourage us. Gratefulness has continued to be our theme and will continue to be so.